Photo Credit: Daniel Rodriguez
Photo Credit: Daniel Rodriguez

Interview With Drew Marvick, One Of The Filmmakers Behind ’13 Slays Till X-Mas’

I love horror anthologies especially ones that are centered around holidays. The incredible Drew Marvick is one of the filmmakers behind the new Christmas horror anthology, 13 Slays Till X-mas (read our review – HERE). I may be a little biased, but this anthology is phenomenal and the creators behind it did an amazing job with a zero-budget film. Learn about Drew’s film career, his favorite holiday, his short, Santa Claws, upcoming projects, and more!

Drew Marvick
Photo Credit: Daniel Rodriguez

PopHorror – Hey Drew! It’s great to catch up, it’s been quite a while. How is 2021 treating you so far?

Drew Marvick – So far so good for me, I think. I have just been staying super busy with several projects cooking at the same time. I am also in the process of moving into a new house, and of course being a Dad and a homeschool teacher takes up a ton of my time as well. It’s bonkers, really. But I stay so busy that I wouldn’t even notice if I wasn’t doing okay. I probably have one foot in the grave and don’t even know it yet.

PopHorror – (laughs) I feel that. What’s your favorite holiday?

Drew Marvick – My knee-jerk answer is always Halloween. My whole life revolves around horror films, horror conventions, haunted attractions, and everything else spooky. If I didn’t say Halloween, people would think I was lying. But in reality, I think I like Christmas just as much. Christmas just makes people happy, and I like being around happy people.

PopHorror – I get it. However, I feel like I love them both equally. I most definitely enjoy fall more than winter, though (laughs). Out of all subgenres of horror, which is your favorite?

Drew Marvick – I am a very indecisive person when it comes to picking favorites, so I could spend hours going back and forth trying to pick. And as soon as I did pick, I would always find a reason to change my answer 5 seconds later. I can say this for sure; most of my favorite horror movies happen to be comedic and/or ridiculous in some way. As far as I am concerned, horror movies are my friends, and I don’t want friends that make me feel bummed out.

13 Slays Till X-Mas

PopHorror – You have a new short in 13 Slays Till X-Mas. Can you please tell us what Santa Claws is about?

Drew Marvick – Santa Claws is about an obnoxious teenage boy that loves tormenting his little sister about the fact that she still believes in Santa Claus. He makes up a story about Santa’s evil twin brother to scare her, but ultimately regrets it when his story gets a little too real.

PopHorror – It’s a bunch of fun! What was the inspiration behind this?

Drew Marvick – I originally had a completely different script for my contribution to 13 Slays, but when the pandemic hit, I had to make some serious adjustments. There was just no way I could safely shoot what I had written with the current restrictions at that time. For instance, the opening scene was in a crowded shopping mall packed with families. In fact, at the time of shooting, our local film office was only permitting shoots with 5 or less people on set total. So that posed a pretty big problem. But, using my kids and their constant bickering as my inspiration, and our cities COVID restrictions as our guideline, I wrote the script for Santa Claws. I cast my son and daughter to play the kids, put together a solid two person crew, and we got to work. It definitely made things a lot harder and limited what we could pull off. But in the end, I am happy with what we did.

PopHorror – You guys created something amazing! Was it fun working on this with little to no budget?

Drew Marvick – I am pretty used to working without a budget, so I felt really comfortable. I work on both ends of the spectrum though. I produce commercials inbetween film projects and often laugh at the fact that we will have a $500,000 budget for a 30 second commercial. Then, the following week, I will be making a 30 minute short film for just $500. I thrive off of finding new ways to make things work with what we have. Don’t get me wrong; I also like having a big budget, but I always feel more at home on a low budget set.

PopHorror – That’s because you’re awesome. Any favorite parts of the short?

Drew Marvick – My favorite part was just the fact that I got to work with my kids. They have both grown up on set, acted in several commercials and films, and have been a part of this world since they were born. But I love when they get to be even more involved, especially when they are excited about it. My kids are my life, so any time we can share a memorable experience together, I am happy.

PopHorror – You’ve had a great career thus far. Anything you want to do that you haven’t done yet?

Drew Marvick – Oh man, I want to do everything! I just love being on set and making art with other people that are just as excited and passionate as I am about doing it. It doesn’t matter if I am directing, producing, acting, or just observing. I have a huge list of people I would love to work with, places I would love to go, and experiences I am dying to try. I just hope that I can find a way to keep making my whacky, no budget horror films long enough that I get to start checking things off of those lists.

Drew marvick

PopHorror – I have no doubt that you will. You’re such an awesome dude and fun to work with! Do you have any upcoming projects?

Drew Marvick – I have a ton of projects that I am a part of coming up this year. Other than 13 Slays, that just came out. I am also acted in Kill Dolly Kill, The Barn 2, Slashlorette Party… Later this year, I am acting in The House That Eats Flesh, The Macabre and few more features that aren’t announced yet. I am also directing a crazy slasher short called Horsin’ Around, a feature about a homeless man that collects severed heads, and of course, Pool Party Massacre 2, which I am hoping we can start shooting by the end of summer. By the end of 2021, people are gonna be so sick of me, if they aren’t already.

PopHorror – (laughs) We could never be sick of you! I look forward to all of your upcoming projects and appreciate you taking the time to talk with me! I hope you have a fabulous year, Drew!

You can buy your copy of 13 Slays Till X-Mas via Scream Team Releasing right – HERE!

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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