Vintage Photos of Creepy Homemade Costumes!

In one of my recent peruses through my Facebook feed, I found this vintage video of a 1977 Woolworth’s ad for Halloween costumes.

I never had a Woolworth’s costume. I was a lucky girl and my mom handmade my Halloween costumes. They were always awesome and, looking back, it amazes me that she did that. We here at PopHoror have found some photos of vintage – and creepy – homemade Halloween costumes that are awesome in their own way. They definitely are unsettling. You can’t un-see them!

These date back to harder yet simpler times when you made do with what you had. There were no Woolworths, Wal-Marts, Party Cities or the now familiar Halloween pop-up stores. Beware… there are some inappropriate costumes for our current times, for example the painted black faces. But there are also some genuinely creepy get-ups in here. Which is the point of Halloween, right? To be scared! The amount of thought and creativity on these is just… wow. Most people nowadays just buy their costume. Let’s take a peek at some vintage costumes and find out what a needle and thread and a little elbow grease can do, shall we?


Vintage Halloween Costumes of Yesteryear!




















There are definitely some grotesque, raw attire up there! At the same time, there is an air of innocence to these photos from a time gone by. If you notice, there is very little blood on them. Yet, they are effectively scary! I’m sure they collected some tasty treats, just like kids do now.  How do you feel about these freaky costumes? Have you decided what you’re wearing this Halloween? Does anyone have any vintage costume photos to share? Share a pic in the comments below!

Of course… I will share mine circa 1983. Now it’s your turn!


About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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