Tim Travers and the Time Traveler’s Paradox is a new concept in a genre we have begun ignoring. However, this movie humored me in several ways. It took a little time to figure out what was happening. There are still some things I don’t understand, but I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Like trying to figure out a puzzle. I enjoy these types of movies in small doses, and this movie got me interested.

Let’s get to the actual review.

When the man comes around

Written and directed by Stimson Snead (Spirit: A Martian Movie 2019), Tim Travers and the Time Traveler’s Paradox takes us on a wild ride through bad karma and even worse decisions. We have all that at one time that we would be able to time travel, but were we ready for this? I had to watch it twice. Only then did I understand this brilliant story.

It is sci-fi at its heart as the movie progresses into universal chaos. As you dive deeper into the film, you will see the story unfold. Is it confusing? Yes,. However, the movie keeps you asking: “WTF am I watching?” I found myself saying that several times. It all starts to make sense after a while, but I will take the stone throws because I’m not a sci-fi fan. I can redeem myself by saying that this movie is pretty great; both times I watched it, the comedy got me even without knowing what was happening.


Tim Travers (Samuel Dunning, The Food That Built America 2019)  is your ordinary reclusive mad scientist, until one day he creates a way through time. When Tim shoots his younger self, the question becomes, “How am I still here?” The movie then descends into comedic madness as Tim keepes multiple versions of himself while The Simulator (Keith David, Them 1988) is after stolen plutonium preparing Tims demise. He is also chasing the girl who showed him love he didn’t return.

Can Tim handle so many versions of himself amongst the chaos?

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The visual effects are pretty cool and very CGI-driven, but obviously, it works for people exploding because it looks great. That’s coming from a staunch CGI hater. I should get with the times, and this movie proved it. It was a great time laughing, and they never left a joke untold. I am glad I gave it more than one chance because it made me a bigger fan of it; I didn’t know how to approach this review at first, only because I sometimes have the attention of a squirrel.

This could be a gem for people who are into time travel movies or sci-fi in general. For me, it was the comedy that did it. However, that could only make the view of a movie better; it attracts more than one type of person.

Overall, I would say this movie has some excellent attributes. The scenery is very raw and honest, except for, you know, the giant time-traveling portal. It won me over, and I wasn’t initially sure what to think. This experience proves I can be pretty snobby for no reason sometimes. Lesson learned as usual.

Tim Travers and the Time Traveler’s Paradox is touring the film festival scene and has earned two independent film awards and one nomination.


About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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