PopHorror Interviews Todd Nunes, Director of All Through The House

The holidays are over (thankfully), but that doesn’t mean we ever have to stop watching our favorite Christmas slashers and for me, that is All Through The House. The director of the film, Todd Nunes, took time out of his schedule to talk with PopHorror about how he got started in the film industry, what inspired him to make All Through the House, upcoming projects, and more! He even included an exclusive photo just for us! Please be sure to read our review for All Through The House as well – right here! 

Todd Nunes
Todd Nunes and the cast of “All Through The House”

PopHorrorTodd, thanks for taking the time to talk with PopHorror. What made you want to be a filmmaker?

Todd Nunes – I was always fascinated with telling stories and plays growing up. In grammar school, I rarely spent my recess time playing tag or swinging on the swings… I had no interest in that. I wanted to get as many students as I could together and reenact my favorite movies. I was actually successful in getting kids to follow me and follow my direction. I would do scenes from Star Wars, The Wizard Of Oz, and even The Planet Of The Apes. It was just a passion that I had inside me that I NEVER abandoned. I continued doing my own plays in middle school and started writing my own slasher short stories for my school friends to read. However, it was in high school that I really discovered what I wanted to. I had a very supportive drama teacher who didn’t want to censor me and encouraged me to go after my dream.

Todd Nunes in his high school play “Friday the 13th Part 2”

I did stage plays of Friday The 13 part 1 and 2, as well as Halloween. This led me to create my own original plays, one of which featured a derange killer Santa. We performed the plays after school to a packed house of wild students who cheered every time someone was killed. It was crazy fun and I knew I would be making my own horror movies someday.

PopHorror – It’s great to hear that your passion began at a young age. Did you ever want to act or did you prefer directing and writing?

Todd Nunes – I actually started acting first. I thought that’s what I wanted to do originally. I started writing and directing my own plays because I wanted to play certain types of characters. When I started bringing horror to the stage in high school, I began to realize that my true love was writing and directing.

PopHorror – I’m so glad you followed your passion! What were your first steps in getting involved in the film industry?

Director Todd Nunes

Todd Nunes – The first steps I started to take were very basic. I became fascinated with movie structure. I realized that most of the plays I had written were more like screenplays. I got a video camera in high school and started filming my own horror movies immediately and I never stopped. Eventually, I moved to Los Angeles and started taking classes in screenwriting. Surviving in LA isn’t easy and I was struggling to live and conquer my dream. After reevaluating my situation, I went to film school and that’s where everything started to fall into place.

PopHorror – Film school seems to be one of the best ways to help get your foot in the door. What was the first film you were involved with?

Todd Nunes – I was involved with a ton of short films and then eventually my first feature Scary Larry. That film was a lot of fun to make, but unfortunately, it’ll never see the light of day. However, that movie led to All Through The House.

PopHorror – What a bummer! I would have loved to watch it. On that note, what actually inspired you to make the film All Through The House?

Todd Nunes – I LOVED the poster for Silent Night, Deadly Night and I really wanted to see that movie. I was just a kid and my mom wouldn’t take me. Eventually, the movie was pulled from the theaters and was rarely available in video stores. For years, I imagined what the movie was about and I even did a Killer Santa play in High School. I’ve always wanted to do my own demented version of Santa. I love the idea of Christmas as a backdrop for a horror story and I’ve always thought that Santa had too many creepy qualities to be ignored.

PopHorror (laughs) This is true, I never thought about Santa like that. Did you think your sister, Ashley Mary Nunes, was the perfect fit for the leading role?

Exclusive Photo of Ashley Mary Nunes with the Killer Santa from “All Through The House.”

Todd Nunes – I do! My sister is a true Scream Queen… she is the real deal. Not just because she loves the horror genre and Jamie Lee Curtis, but also because she is dedicated and has a tremendous amount of respect for that title role. She was also pretty much raised on horror movies. I think she was the only third grader who wanted to be a Scream Queen when she grew up. She is also great when it comes to scenes of terror – that is where she really shines as an actress and is able to take the scene to another level. As a director, I want someone who can not only act but who can sell the physical action as well. I knew my sister would not only handle the physical aspects like fight scenes, chasing, and stunts but would excel at it.

PopHorror – I couldn’t agree more, she’s absolutely fantastic! Would you make another Christmas-themed horror movie in the future?

Todd Nunes – Unless it was a sequel… no. It’s not easy being in the Christmas spirit all year long. I was collecting Christmas decorations and storing the decorations at my place. I saw nothing but ceramic Santas, Christmas trees, and lawn decorations every day for a year. I would go to garage sales and flea markets looking for deals on decorations. There was one place I went to every weekend in LA and the folks there started calling me Mr. Christmas. I love Christmas, but it was too much… almost claustrophobic. But I really wanted the atmosphere and production value to be a strong presence in the film.

PopHorror – Christmas overload…ugh! However, I’m totally down for a sequel, just saying. One of your future projects is Death Ward 13. Can you give us any more details about that?

"Death Ward 13" Todd Nunes newest film!
“Death Ward 13” Todd Nunes’ newest film!

Todd Nunes – I don’t have any details that I can reveal just yet, but casting announcements will be coming soon. We are also in the midst of location scouting. This movie is going to have a completely different tone than All Through The House. Death Ward 13 will not be an homage film and will only reference Don’t look In The Basement. We’re going for a much grittier story with a grindhouse vibe that will stand on its own, as well as explore new storylines and horrifying situations that are completely original.

PopHorror – I can’t wait to watch it! Any other projects you are working on that you would like to talk about?

Todd Nunes – Right now my life is all about Death Ward 13. 

PopHorror Well, since it’s a project of yours, I know it will be amazing. Last thing, if you could work with anyone in the industry, who would it be?

Todd Nunes – Well… I’d love to take a trip in a time machine and work with either Alfred Hitchcock or Stanley Kubrick because they would be my number one and two choices. But seriously, I would love to work with all my idols, but if I could pick just one, it would have to be John Carpenter. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see him in action and interacting with actors… He was the first director that made an impact on me and I have been a loyal fan ever since. I really believe that he hasn’t lost his touch and I’m anxiously awaiting the new Halloween movie. I would jump at the chance to work with any of the greats like Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Patty Jenkins, Ridley Scott, Quentin Tarantino, and Guillermo del Toro… the list goes on and on and on!

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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