WiHM 2018 Interview with Social Media Manager Tiffany Blem

You know how there’s always that one person in your life who knows everyone and anyone in the horror community. Tiffany Blem is that person to me. I’ve known Tiffany for the last year or two and she’s always bringing new horror to my awareness (ahem, Deranged Minds Entertainment). She’s introduced me to several brilliant talented artists and I will always be incredibly grateful for that.

Tiffany is very involved in the horror community whether she’s attending cons, supporting her horror directing friends, running the social media for Morbidly Beautiful, and more. Read our Women in Horror Month interview to find out more!

Tiffany Blem

PopHorror – Thanks for talking with me, Tiffany! When did your love for horror begin?

Tiffany Blem – I remember being at a very young age and watching horror movies with my mom. I watched a lot of things with my mom that were most definitely not age appropriate. We used to go to the movies when I got out of school and watched a lot of HBO and made-for-TV movies as well. I also remember my sister showing me ones that would scare the shit out of me. My earliest memory of a horror film is Poltergeist II. My sister showed that to me pretty much right when it was available to rent, so I was probably around seven or eight since it came out in 1986. She also orchestrated my first viewing of Stand By Me, which at seven, is pretty traumatizing as well. It was also around this time that she took me to my first haunted house, which didn’t end well. But I was hooked and fell in love with the genre. I still get anxious going to a haunted house, but it’s all fun.

PopHorror – Me too. The last time I went to a haunted house I ran through the whole thing screaming. (Laughs) When did you become involved in the horror community?

Tiffany Blem – My friendships inside the horror community didn’t really start until around 2013, 2014. That is when I met my first friend in horror, Monica Benson, and learned what a horror convention is. It was after my first full weekend at Horrorhound in Cincinnati that I starting meeting all these new and wonderful people. A lot of it had to do with the Soska Twins and their fandom and has grown since then. After that, I started being an admin on some facebook pages and my horror family has grown since then.

PopHorror – Speaking of your groups and pages, tell us about them.

Tiffany Blem – Right now, I co-admin with Amanda Oaks for the Twisted Twins Army Facebook Page. I was asked by the Soska sisters themselves to help run that. I also admin the Fan Page for Tamara Glynn (Samantha in Halloween 5) and help with her Twitter account, although I’m horrible with Twitter. I am currently the Social Media Manager for Morbidly Beautiful.

PopHorror – As a Social Media Manager, What all does that entail?

Tiffany Blem – Being the Social Media Manager is basically making sure that all of the wonderful articles, reviews, interviews, etc that are posted on the website by the editor Stephanie are shared to MB’s social media accounts. Right now we’re on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I also try to boost traffic to the site and social media pages by posting things such as contests from other sites, special promotions, and a #ThisDayinHorror. I also try to share the posts from the MB Facebook page to horror groups and pages for more exposure and to make sure to share the site as well.

PopHorror – It’s definitely a full-time gig. What attracts you to that site?

Tiffany Blem – What attracted me to this site is that it’s run by a woman, and she and the website are such advocates for women in the industry. But it’s not just about women. It’s also a great outlet for some really wonderful writers to showcase their work, and for them to have opportunities they might not otherwise such as access to screeners, interviews with celebrities and directors, events, products and things like that. They have the freedom to write about what they want, and I like that there are not a lot of boundaries with that. I like the freedom to be creative. I am not a writer myself, so helping with even the social media makes me proud to be a part of such a wonderful website.

PopHorror – I love how many women there are who run horror sites. It’s amazing. I know you go to several cons. What is your favorite one?

Tiffany Blem – I have two cons that hold a special place in my heart. The first one is Horrorhound, specifically the one in Cincinnati because that was my very first convention. The second is Mad Monster Arizona because it’s the only horror convention in AZ, and also because they’ve become like family to me since I volunteer there every year. Both are run by some really great people.

PopHorror – Out of all the celebrity’s you met who is your favorite or most memorable?

Tiffany Blem – I have met some really wonderful celebrities so it’s hard for me to pick just one. The ones that stand out the most are Jamie Lee Curtis, Henry Winkler, Alyson Hannigan, Jen and Sylvia Soska, Nick Castle, Adam Green, James Duval, Nivek Ogre, the Burns Twins…I could just keep going.

PopHorror – I’m so jealous! What is your favorite female-driven film?

Tiffany Blem – I have a few favorite female-driven films. A few of my favorites are American Mary, Martyrs, High Tension and Inside. My favorite non-horror female-driven movie would be Mermaids. That is such a great film!

PopHorror – I LOVE all of those including MermaidsWho are your female inspirations in the industry?

Tiffany Blem – Hannah Foreman is definitely an inspiration. I mean, look at what she did with Women in Horror Month! Also, Jen and Sylvia Soska, Rose McGowan, and Ama Lea (is there anything she can’t do?) just to name a few. Really, it’s all of those women out there honing their craft, following their dreams and making shit and getting it done.

PopHorror – What do you think WIHM is important?

Tiffany Blem – Why do I think Women in Horror Month is important? Because it’s our special time to honor us, to honor all of the women out there busting their asses and only getting a tiny bit of exposure. While I wish it was equal all of the time, realistically it’s not so we get this little slice of time for just us. It recognizes the underappreciated work of women in the genre.

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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