Top 10 Urban Legends From Around The World

Top 5 Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be True

Stop Bugging Me

This legend involves a woman going on a sunny, Mai-Tai-sipping vacation, only to return with some tropical horror crawling not over their skin but through their head.

The truth is, a 31-year-old woman from Garland, Texas, had come back from vacation suffering from severe headaches and vision problems. Eventually, she figured she should see a doctor. Low and behold, they found maggots in her ear canal where some horrendous bug had laid eggs.

About Jazmine Hiller

Just a Canadian girl who loves horror movies and old music. I grew up watching horror with older siblings, and cousins but I really fell in love when I watched Wes Craven's A Nightmare On Elm Street, and I've been in love ever since. In my free time I write for PopHorror. In my everyday life I work as a vet assistant at my vet clinic. I’m currently in school to be a certified veterinary technician!

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