20 Gimmicks That Conquered the Music Industry

We all love rock and roll, but let’s face it, we all love a good gimmick. We also have to admit that other genres’ gimmicks don’t compare. I was sold to the community when I saw monsters or scary people. It’s what attracted me to the music. Some gimmicks are creative, some are just to piggyback off of others.

Here is my collection of the bands that sold me on their gimmick, and some who didn’t


The Misfits

As a teenage punk rocker, I was obsessed with The Misfits. They were my full introduction to the genre. I had all the coolest merch they shoveled out. Then came the Michale Graves era, which immediately turned my vision. I was not impressed with this era at all. Luckily The Misfits have reunited, and you can catch their show in high-priced stadiums! I feel everyone has had this stage of life if they were into punk rock. Now they are the official gods of punk rock gimmicks.



The greatest metal band to have ever existed. No one has worked harder or been to this level of a stage show. We have all heard about the legendary “fluid” baths if you make it to the front row. GWAR probably has the greatest story of being a band, you can find their documentary This Is GWAR on Shudder and take a look at all the hard work and surviving tragedies. One of my favorite gimmicks, and a beloved band.


Alice Cooper

I see Alice Copper in the same light as my love for GWAR. I was way too young to be watching his stage show, but once again; as with GWAR, I was enthralled with his stage show. From executions to an amazing sound, his gimmicks are some of the best. We can see why he is considered a legend in rock and roll. However; I am not a fan of Hollywood Vampires, it’s like he trying to fit in an image where he doesn’t truly belong.

King Diamond

There were no gimmicks more terrifying in my life, I used to have fast-forward interview segments for him on these old movies. The man is just a menace, he has all the right specifications to be brutally scary. I still kind of shudder at his new look. Although I enjoy his music, the dude is creepy plain, and simple, even his voice gives me goosebumps. I learned to love it. Now he is a legend to me.



OK, let’s just admit that they were a much milder GWAR, you could see where the inspiration for their gimmicks came from. Instead of being aliens, they were monsters. Lordi’s sound was definitely the hard rock sound your dad listened to, only morbid.



Kings of thrash metal. Ghoul is like a nonstop flight that will leave you a fan. Their stage show is small, but they make up for it in that classic thrash most of us remember. The genre once ruled the music industry. Ghoul brings it right back around and leaves you speechless.


There is no bigger name in rock and roll and they know it. KISS is worth a t-shirt at least. Th let down an entire generation after skipping out on hard rock and going disco. KISS sells more merchandise than they do touring these days. I would love to say they are inspirational, and I used to spit my Hi C out as blood just like Gene Simmons, but as I got older I liked KISS less and less. Now I don’t seek them out unless someone plays them on a car ride and such.

Arthur Brown

No one does better than this man, the one who put Shock Rock on the map. Arthur Brown was like a bad trip in the ’60s. His music, however; is not remembered by many, so go look him up! you may feel goosebumps in the company of a madman.


The Order of the Fly

There was a time when this band ruled the San Bernadino underground. Order of the Fly wasn’t a band to stay in one lane, instead, they threw a little bit of all their favorite bands and mashed them together to make really crazy punk, industrial, or whatever you want to call them it would most likely fit. they have done it all.



Hailing from the Poconos in Pennsylvania in the mostly dark and dreary world of our homeland. They are beyond a gimmick, They take the days of old Elvis-sounding horror punk and flipped a table at it. They are another one of the hardest-working bands I have ever known. At one time they were pushing 3 new songs a month on streaming sites just by trading recording tracks over the internet.


Patriarkh is another band that creeps me the heck out. However; I love it just like the rest. Patriarkh is a nightmare-sounding metal band. Between the stage show and the chanting, there’s a lot to be creeped out about. I love every moment of having the creeps, and they always come quickly with this band and their gimmick.

Send More Paramedics

I will say it once, this band is absolutely bonkers. As a homage to Return Of The Living Dead in their name, they don’t mess around with a variety of songs based solely on zombie movies. Are they a creep factor? No, just loud and amazing. The band disbanded but made a comeback in 2023 for a limited time.

Mac Sabbath

The best parody band in the world. I will die on that hill. With a hilarious twist on everything Black Sabbath made dark and turns it into a comedy routine. They have made it pretty far up the ranks along with Weird Al Yankovic.

Okily Dokily

Inspired by everyone’s favorite neighbor Ned Flanders. Only they pack a punch, and they hit you with it hard. Okily Dokily has disbanded but their music will carry on diddly on. Okily Dokily will tear you to shreds despite their wholesome gimmick.

Radioactive Chicken Heads

You heard me right, and they rock! Punk fueled with a rock and roll sound to boot. With names like Garett Top, they are a comedy act that fully lives their gimmick.


Love them or hate them, we can all admit that the entire story they created is amazing. GHOST is a band that absolutely killed it with their gimmick. Some say they stink and aren’t a metal band, which is kind of obvious. Instead, they are a well-put-together band who have an amazing flow.


Who could avoid them in a gimmick article? They are heroes of the nu-metal sound that was based on Korn and Limp Bizkit, Slipknot tore both bands to shreds with anger and disdain. Listening to Slipknot can cause you to punch drywall… In a healthy way. However I don’t know who was hurt more; fans, or their onstage brawls just for fun. The band suffered tragedies along the way and still kept pushing to be the best band out there.

Insane Clown Posse

The biggest flop ever. However; they have a lot of merch and a cult following so they are still relevant. Insane Clown Posse have a lot of love for their fans, openly admitting the group would be nothing without them, and you know what? That’s definitely true. let’s move on.

The Cybertronic Spree

Gather around all you retro people, do not sleep on this band. Their gimmick makes me want to sit down with a big bowl of cereal and watch cartoons, oh wait… I already do that. Carry on, folks! If a Transformer cover band is something you always wanted to see, and here it is. Pure rock and roll.

The Foleys

If you love wrestling, or Mick Foley in general, then this is the band for you. With a strong punk rock sound and a killer gimmick, no one else ever thought of. The Foleys deserve the chance for a listen, you’ll be hooked, I promise. Maybe you’ll even meet Mr. Socko


Who’s your favorite band on our list? Anyone we missed with a great gimmick? Tell us in the comments!

About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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