Scott Stewart’s ‘LEGION’ (2010) – A Retro Review

Scott Stewart’s Legion is turning 15 this year and made a lot of waves not only in the horror community but also in the thriller, and spiritual film communities as well. Everything in Legion is kind of mashed together. Movies like Legion fill me with hope for the Sci-fi genre. It’s a buffet of genres, where we can all love the same thing, whether you are a geeky sci-fi type or the horror nerd who loves to watch people get mutilated, the type like me.

Let’s dig into this spiritual warfare!


A group of strangers find themselves at the same diner. Once a frail old lady joins them, things go haywire. Demons have them trapped in the diner, and then the Archangel Michael shows up and cuts his wings off. It then beomes the ultimate fight between good and evil. The strangers can’t find a way out of their trap. They are no longer strangers, they are a team to fight for the good of mankind, when god has abandoned the human race, all they can do is work together.

I am not a spiritual person, far from it really. Legion kind of influenced that meaning for me. I remember the movie so well because for a while it had me thinking, where do we all end up in the end? But a fight to save the human race sounds kind of overdramatic. Could it happen? I kind of hope so. Legion made me fall way back out of it because of the CGI fights, however; that’s a fair statement. I will always die on this hill that CGI nearly killed the horror genre.

Other than the CGI, the story was original (although I prefer Dogma). It is no secret that Legion is easily going to become a cult classic. I don’t really get it though. I’ll also say that it’s pretty entertaining, but you can only watch it so many times, like when your roommate decides it’s the movie of the night, every night. However; I severely miss those days, we were kings and queens in our 20’s.

Legion definitely nailed the modern setting at the time and diner looks like people put a lot of love into it. What keeps me neutral is the facts I stated, I am completely in the middle when it comes to Legion. If someone else puts it on, great I’ll watch it, but I don’t hunt it down to watch.

Legion is the fear religious people have. For me, it was just a pretty good film. It hits all the right buttons as decent in my opinion, It just didn’t hold up to a lot of things they were trying to do. The film still holds up for a lot of people, and I respect that, I’m just different.

Go enjoy the movie as it celebrates its fifteenth anniversary. It’s worth the recognition the film gets. Take a trip back to before the world started to crumble, maybe it’s a sign if you believe in that stuff.


About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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