Islandrocks’ New Album Rocks The Eurocrime/Giallo and Sci-Fi Retro Theme!

The amazing, one-man music project, Islandrocks, is back with some new and genuine material to sooth more movie genre fans. Hailing from Sweden, Islandrocks founder Thomas Nyholm has returned to deliver a 13 track album with some expertly executed and original eurocrime/giallo themes in the vein of the classical style used in the films of that era.

"Island Rocks"

The 13 track album, The Giallo/Eurocrime Files, was written as a tribute to giallo and eurocrime films and inspired by composers such as Franco Micalizzi and Stelvio Cipriani. Unlike Islandrocks’ previous Godly albums, Covering Horrors Of The Past and Revisiting Odyssey’s Of Horrors, which focused on renditions and remaking famous horror themes, this one contains all original material. The Giallo/Eurocrime Files is a joy to listen to and made me want to discover more eurocrime films, a genre I am relatively unfamiliar with, with the exception of Street Law with Franco Nero or Day Of The Cobra or even Violent City with Charles Bronson.

Island Rocks

The opening song, “Grandi Baffi,” is a powerful starting point. It’s a hard rocking and groovy tune. “Occhiali Da Sole” is another favorite of mine on here. The Giallo/Eurocrime Files is an album to be listened to in each entirety with each visit. There are lots of different instruments used to on this release. It’s all quite amazing. We get some horns, numerous percussion and resonating keyboards, along with classic guitars. My only complaint is, as always, the length, because the album really is such an immersive experience. I actually listened to this while in my car on a 7 hour drive, and I spun it numerous times out of pure enjoyment.

Islandrocks has also delivered a new, three song ep titled Killer Tracks From Outer Space. It features female vocals and a very different approach from previous material, covering movies such as Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Critters and The Green Slime. You can find Islandrocks on iTunes, SpotifyAmazon and Bandcamp. Check them out, horror lovers. You won’t regret it!

About Richard Taylor

Avid gore/horror/underground/brutal death metal/comic fiend. Got into the good stuff in the nineties by tape trading the likes of Violent Shit, Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Apocalypse, The Beyond, Guinea Pig series, Men Behind The Sun etc. Have written for a bunch of sites some now defunct and some still going such as Violent Maniacs Cage, ZFE Films With Attitude, Mortado's Pages Of Filth, Severed Cinema, Goregasmic Cinema, Extreme Horror Cinema and Twisted Minds.

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