Zombie Dogs at HorrorHound

HorrorHound Weekend 2018: Top 5 Must Do’s

5. Friends!

This is the one time a year, I get to spend time with some truly wonderful friends that I have met from the horror community. We come from all over the country and all walks of life to attend this convention and love getting to see each other. Fellow PopHorror writer Tiffany Blem travels from Arizona to attend and has been a good friend for over 20 years. Monica Benson travels from Wisconsin to attend and I look forward to her hugs and cheese curds. Cole Cottier, who has aspirations of starting his own convention someday, travels from NE Ohio from Kent State University to attend. Finally, there is Chris Wills, aka the Cookie Girl for the Cincinnati Bengals. Chris is local to the area and her vibrant personality and amazing chocolate chip cookies are something to look forward to.

In conclusion, I have gained some truly amazing friends and have been afforded some wonderful experiences from HorrorHound Weekend. I would truly recommend attending to any horror fan. I guarantee it would be an amazing experience.

About Englewood29

A woman with a life long love affair of horror movies that enjoys supporting the horror community through her writing. .

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