Celebrating 15 Years Of ‘Shaun of the Dead’ (2004): Our Top 10 Scenes

September 24, 2019 marks the 15th anniversary of the release of the fan favorite, Shaun of the Dead, a witty horror comedy that takes the zombie apocalypse head on. Filled with hilarious moments and plenty of gore, its easy to see why this film has become a cult classic. Click here to read our retro review of the film, and then continue reading to see our 10 favorite scenes to see if yours made the list.


After a night of drinking at the Winchester, Ed (Frost) and Shaun (Pegg) walk home, completely oblivious to the zombie approaching from the shadows. They include its grunts and moans with their silly musical beats.


Frantic to find a way to ward off two zombies attempting to break into their home, Shaun and Ed collect random items from the kitchen and chuck them at the undead. After a record is launched and penetrates the male zombie in the chest, the two glace at each other in mental agreement that this is the answer. Armed with Shaun’s record collection, Ed finds out which albums will survive the apocalypse before throwing them.

Ed: Purple Rain?


Ed: Sign O’ The Times?

ShaunDefinitely not.

EdThe Batman soundtrack?

ShaunThrow it.

Ed: Dire Straits?

ShaunThrow it.

EdOoh, Stone Roses.

ShaunUm, No.

Ed: Second Coming.

ShaunI like it!

EdAhhh! Sade!

ShaunYeah, but that’s Liz’s!

EdYeah, but she did dump you.



In an attempt to rescue he people he cares about, Shaun generates a plan… its all about finding a safe place to hold up and survive. Ed, however, wants to find somewhere that’s familiar, knowing where the exits are, and be allowed to smoke. This one really resonates with the over-thinkers out there.

Shaun[cuts to dream sequence for the third time] Take car. Go to Mum’s. Kill Phil. “Sorry!” Grab Liz. Go to the Winchester. Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How’s that for a slice of fried gold?

EdYeah, boyyyeee!

[Shaun and Ed clang their weapons together] 


On their way to rescue Barbara (Penelope Winton), Shaun’s mum, Ed is speeding in Pete’s car, and he hits someone… or something. He reverses the car, and Shaun asks the man if he’s alright, despite his clearly distorted/broken leg.


The rescue doesn’t go according to plan. After gathering up Barbara and Philip (Bill Nighy), the quartet head to Liz’s (Kate Ashfield) place, where Shaun saves Dianne (Lucy Davis), David (Dylan Moran), and Liz. While hauling ass to the Winchester, Philip pours his heart out to Shaun and then dies. As with any other movie encounter with zombies, the soundtrack cranks up high with some gnarly tunes.



Taking a leap of faith! When the group is forced to head to the Winchester on foot, Shaun decides to cut through some backyards to avoid pending doom.



The iconic fight scene set to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” is sure to bring laughs for its outright silly, in sync pool stick beating.



After putting down one of their own, David is done with the entire hold out and wants to leave the Winchester. Dianne convinces him to stay, but the horde of zombies outside have their own agenda. David is pulled through the broken window and torn apart – which was pretty wicked.



With the Winchester up in flames, Liz and Shaun escape through the cellar and make their way to streets riddled with zombies. They’re surrounded and prepare to put up one last fight… when the military swoops in to save the day. Or do they?



Once the zombies are under control, television goes back to its regularly scheduled programming. We see that the new world has adapted to the zombie take over. Shaun gets the girl in the end, but there is one more happy sendoff in Shaun of the Dead. Out in the shed, Shaun picks up a game controller and a voice announces, “Player two has entered the game.”


There you have it, our 10 favorite scenes from Shaun of the Dead. With October around the corner, this classic should definitely find its way onto your watchlist. You didn’t see your favorite scene here? Be sure to comment below and reminisce with us about what moments you loved about Shaun of the Dead.

About Anna

Hello readers, I was born and raised in Southern California. Throughout my upbringing I grew fond of the horror movie genre thanks to my mother. With my interest in true crime, I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in forensic investigation. I enjoy art of all kind and appreciate subject matter outside the social norm. I like to engage in conversation involving my passions, so lets talk.

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