One Hell of a Party: ‘Bus Party To Hell’ (2017) Movie Review

Bus Party to Hell is a movie I have been looking forward to for quite some time. After much waiting, I finally was given the chance to check it out. Did Bus Party To Hell satisfy my need for the 3 Bs? Abso-Fucking-Lutely. 

Bus Party To Hell is the latest film from writer/director Rolfe Kanefsky (The Hazing 2004). The film stars Tara Reid (Sharknado 5 2017), Sadie Katz (Blood Feast 2016), Stefani Blake (Reverse 2017), Shelby Nicole, Ben Stobber (The Immortal Wars 2018), Vidonna Michaels (Sand Sharks 2012), Richard Hochman, Demetrius Alex, Raymond Gutierrez, Johnny Molinaro (Pool Party Massacre 2017), Devanny Pinn (Truth or Dare 2013), Aaron Groben and Elissa Dowling (BoneJangles 2017).

When I want to settle down, relax and shut my brain off with a horror film that is nothing but fun, there are a few things I look for: The 3 Bs (Babes, Boobs, Blood). Bus Party To Hell has plenty of each and some to spare. From the opening scene, the film is packed to the gills with mass quantities of blood, flying body parts, beautiful woman, and nudity galore (I swear, there were boobs in almost every single scene). This a film that knows its audience and doesn’t waste any time giving them what they want.

The cast does an excellent job with the material, never quite taking themselves too seriously. While everyone does a commendable job, there were three people who stood out in the cast: Steffani Blake, Shelby McCullough, and Vidona Michales. Steffani has the craziest role in the film as Lara, and she really goes all in (spending most of the movie in various states of undress and covered in blood, all in her debut role) and is absolutely fearless. Vidona Michales as Reese starts out kind of bitchy, but as the movie goes on, you can kind of see why and you grow to love her. Shelby McCullough as Ivy was my absolute favorite character. I loved her from her first line, and I only loved her more as the movie went along.

I would be negligent if I didn’t mention the cultists. They are absolutely batshit crazy (murdering, fucking and feasting on flesh, sometimes simultaneously), scary and hilarious. My only minor complaint is that some of the effects come off a little too cheesy, but overall, they are more than serviceable.

Final Thoughts 

Bus Party To Hell is a blood-soaked blast full of beautiful women, a fuck ton of nudity, and gore galore. If you are in the mood for a horror film that doesn’t require much thinking, is pure fun and doesn’t let up, I highly recommend you check out Bus Party To Hell. It’s one hell of a party.

About Charlie Cargile

Central Illinois based film journalist. Lover of cinema of all varieties but in love with films with an independent spirit. Elder Emo. Cat Dad. Metalhead.

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