Charlie Cargile

Central Illinois based film journalist. Lover of cinema of all varieties but in love with films with an independent spirit. Elder Emo. Cat Dad. Metalhead.

Ryan Barton-Grimley’s ‘LISTEN CAREFULLY’ (2024) – Movie Review

Listen Carefully

How far would you go to rescue your kidnapped baby? This is one of many questions the new psychological horror film Listen Carefully asks. Listen Carefully delves into Andy’s descent into madness as he try to rescue his 3 month old daughter, Abby, who has been kidnapped for a ransom. …

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Ariel Vida’s ‘TRIM SEASON’ (2024) – Movie Review

I’m sure we’ve all be there: hurting for money, behind on bills and in desperate need of a quick fix. This is where Trim Season protagonist Emma finds herself. She finds her solution in the form of trimming buds of marijuana at a growth operation in the middle of nowhere …

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Spooky Madison’s ‘RABBIT SEASON’ (2024) – Short Film Review

Rabbit Season

Spooky Madison is a triple threat: actor, writer and director. Spooky Madison has been racking up credits in the indie horror world for a while now and I got to check out a project of theirs that I’ve been dying to see: Rabbit Season. It’s a short film they acted, …

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‘UNDEAD DARLING’ (2024) – Short Film Review

Undead Darling

There have been lots of movies made about the undead. I can honestly say I’ve never quite seen the undead portrayed in such a way as they are in Undead Darling. Undead Darling portrays them as a spirit of vengeance, writing a past wrong that was inflicted against them. Synopsis …

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‘MIND BODY SPIRIT’ (2024) – Movie Review

Hereditary is a film that almost sent me into a panic attack in a completely empty theater. It had me turning around at every noise and looking over my shoulder. So when I saw Mind Body Spirit referred to as a found footage take on Hereditary, I knew I had …

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A Look Back At ‘BRIGHTBURN’ (2019): 5 Years Later

Confession time: Growing up I was never a fan of the big blue boy scout. When Brightburn was announced, a film that’s basically an evil Superman origin story, I was excited because it completely skewed the Superman mythos into something dark, gritty and gory. I remember sitting on my brother’s …

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‘BAGHEAD’ (2024) – Movie Review


When I first saw the the trailer for Baghead a few months ago, it got me really excited, mainly because it reminded me of Talk to Me which was one of my favorite films of last year. I waited months to hear about a release to finally find out it …

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