7 Nights of Perfect Double Features

Saturday: Suspiria (1977) & House of 1,000 Corpses (2003)

Saturday is splatter day, party people! It’s time to let your hair down and get wild! I can think of no better pair of movies to start off or close out a Saturday night like the double barreled confetti cannon of Dario Argento’s Suspiria and Rob Zombie’s House of 1,000 Corpses. I’m almost certain that these movies have plots, but the art direction, visual style, and ballistic soundtrack leave whatever’s left of the story in a shredded heap on the floor. These are movies about color and light and sound and balls-to-the-wall madness. It’s a good way to end anything, these manic, unhinged tone poems.

For our week-long double feature experiment, it’s a perfect signature on a love letter to horror movies. Argento, from Wednesday’s Cat O’ Nine Tails, had to make a barely restrained parade of noir thrillers before he could change cinema forever with Suspiria. Rob Zombie, on the other hand, knew he had to come out the gate as a strong filmmaker with a distinct vision. Watch these movies, I promise you you’ve never seen anything else like them.

That’s the week, gang! I hope you’re satisfied and already planning your own double features for the drive in theater of your dreams… or nightmares.


About Billie Wood

Billie is a horror obsessed writer with a love of Giallo, Vincent Price, and any horror movie set in the West. She can't wait to tell you about how Videodrome is a sci-fi horror love letter to trans girls like her.

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