WiHM Interview With ‘The Witchy Stitcher’s’ Meg Black

I believe there are diverse creative outlets for horror. About a year ago, I discovered cross stitch patterns designed by Meg Black, The Witchy Stitcher. Cross stitch is another passion of mine, and I have been stitching on and off for well over over twenty years. Meg’s patterns are for horror fans and fans of the strange and unusual. I own quite a few of them, and currently, I am working on her Michael Myers pattern. I have many more on my wish list! She is definitely one of my favorite designers. I wanted to get to know more about her. So let’s find out more about The Witchy Stitcher!

The Witchy Stitcher Michael Myers

PopHorror: Thank you so very much for taking the time to speak with me! I am a huge fan of your site! Let’s start out with: how long have you been cross stitching? How long have you been designing patterns?

The Witchy Stitcher: As a young ghoul, I watched my Mom stitch and would “help” her with her pieces, but I never really picked it up until October 2017. It all came about on a cold winter night browsing Pinterest looking for inspiration for Christmas gifts. I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to just dive into the deep and make my own pattern.

PopHorror: Wow! You just dove right in! Do you have a day job other than designing patterns?

The Witchy Stitcher: Not anymore! I have been focusing solely on The Witchy Stitcher since this past summer, though I have worked in the arts since I summoned a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree in 2006. I happily linger in the underbelly of traditional art, whether it be cross stitch, illustration or graphic/web design. But I am a strange bird who cannot do the exact same job for more than 5 years… I start to get all murdery. I’ve run and passed the buck of many businesses, but The Witchy Stitcher is a tomb I can see myself resting in for a long time. It encompasses many of my passions, but has enough freedom, room to grow and expand to keep me intrigued and motivated.

PopHorror: That sounds perfect!  What was the first pattern you designed? Was it spooky?

The Witchy Stitcher: It was a cute and creepy gift for my disgustingly handsome husband, Alex Black. We are both big fans of Adventure Time, so I created a Peppermint Butler with the quote, “I’d Like Your Flesh.”

The Witchy Stitcher Captain Spaulding

PopHorror: Cute and creepy! I love it! Can you tell us how do you develop your ideas and turn them into patterns?

The Witchy Stitcher: It all starts in my sketchbooks. They are full of ideas, and there is likely not enough time in the world to complete them all. From my sketch, I move to my iPad and use ProCreate to draw out the basis of my idea and play with composition and elements while being mindful of the restrictions that pixels create. Once I am happy with the layout, I dive right in and start making my pattern using the digital sketch as my reference.

I get asked a lot how I decide what patterns to create. I choose subject matter that I am interested in. I don’t create patterns trying to appease the masses. That would wear me down. If it isn’t something that makes me excited or makes me giggle, I am not going to follow through with it. It usually starts with my morning coffee when an idea hits, a throat punch of inspiration fueled by the dark ichor.

PopHorror: I believe that is important in art. You have to do it for yourself, not for what you believe other people would want or like. Let’s switch gears. Who is your favorite horror villain? I’ll throw in a double question, since it’s Women in Horror month. Who is your favorite female in horror in either films, books or TV?

The Witchy Stitcher: This is the hardest question to answer. I have had an affinity for horror and gore since I was young, and so many characters resonate or make my heart flutter. I can’t give you a favorite, but I can absolute give you a top 3, and even that is torture…

Hannibal Lecter
Freddy Krueger

My favorite female character would be more of an actress that a designated character. I really enjoy Sheri Moon Zombie’s horrific portrayals.

The Witchy Stitcher Sweet Dreams

PopHorror: I know! I can’t really just pick one either. I am definitely all about Michael Myers. I am also a Hannibal Lecter fan. I have grown fond of Jason in recent years, and Freddy, he is up there as well. Sheri Moon Zombie has definitely come into her own in the horror genre. What are some of your favorite horror movies and/or shows?

The Witchy Stitcher: My go to’s are the classics. Evil DeadArmy of Darkness is my absolute favorite film, Friday The 13th, Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street, Hannibal, Saw and anything with Vincent Price. I don’t watch many TV shows, but I am absolutely obsessed with The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

PopHorror: Vincent Price! Yes, girl! I adore Vincent! What do you have in the works now? Anything you can discuss?

The Witchy Stitcher: I am constantly working on new stabby content. The two major projects at the forefront right now are a Classic Horror related SAL [stitch-a-long], and my next Stitch Witch Box, which is also horror-themed. The true theme is a secret for now, both I have a tentative release of April 2019.

The Stitchy Witch Box
Photo Credit: The Witchy Stitcher website. First Stitch Witch Box

PopHorror: I am impatiently waiting for the classic horror-related SAL. I am going to be on the lookout for that and your next Stitch Witch Box. Besides cross stitch, do you do any other crafting?

The Witchy Stitcher: I am a serial creative type. My happiest place is in my cave making weird and spooky things. My craft realm is wide and includes many mediums… textiles, sculpture, jewelry, crochet… My most recent obsession is felt crafting anatomy creatures, so far I have made a dissected Mus Musculus Mouse, and am currently working on Chiroptera Bat. I also enjoy drawing, painting and illustration. Basically, if it is tactile, weird and possibly covered in blood, then I’m in.

Thte Witchy Stitcher Mouse Anatomy

The Witchy Stitcher Bat Anatomy
PopHorror: I am in love with those felt anatomies! You are such a talent! Last question: what are your top 5 patterns in your shop right now?

The Witchy Stitcher:

Grim Reaper – Killin It
Disney Goth
Death Metal
Samhain – Trick R’ Treat

This was a fan girls dream! Thank you Meg Black AKA The Witchy Stitcher for speaking with me! It was fun to have some ghoul time! Be sure you check out her Etsy store and website, both called The Witchy Stitcher. Have you created anything from The Witchy Stitcher page? Share a pic with us in the comments!

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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