Released on May 21, 1994, Quentin Tarantino’s crime thriller, Pulp Fiction, follows a bunch of character’s lives interconnect in a complex narrative filled with themes of petty revenge vs. divine retribution, fate vs. freak occurrence, and other ideas such as loyalty. ***Spoiler Alert!*** Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Jules Winnfield …
Read More »Birthday Tribute: Christopher Walken Celebrates 80!
Christoper Walken was born in Astoria, Queens, New York. His mother, Rosalie (Russell), was a Scottish immigrant, from Glasgow. His father, Paul Wälken, was a German immigrant, from Horst, who ran Walken’s bakery. Christopher learned his stage craft, including dancing, at Hofstra University & ANTA. Walken has been in at …
Read More »WTF Festival Presents ‘Lowlife’: Bad Pulp Snatch with Rage
Few filmmakers are able to successfully pay homage to renowned action directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez and Guy Ritchie without failing miserably or ripping them off entirely. With multiple, interwoven subplots, ridiculous crime debacles, gruesome action and humorous scenarios, films like Pulp Fiction, Machete and Snatch bare a style …
Read More »Cinepocalypse 2017 Presents: ‘Snowflake’ (2017), Germany’s Answer to Pulp Fiction
When asked to review films for Cinepocalypse 2017, I read through the list and realized that PopHorror had already written about a majority of the titles available. Of the remaining films, I picked two I had never heard of and hoped for the best. The first one I chose was …
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