Scott McGinnis’ ‘Last Gasp’ (1995): Vinegar Syndrome’s 4K Restoration Blu-Ray Review

It’s been a long time since PopHorror has reviewed anything from Vinegar Syndrome, but now we’re back at it and ready to go! There are two selections for this month: Bob Bralver’s 1989 thriller, Rush Week, and the supernatural horror film, Last Gasp, directed by Scott McGinnis. I decided to check out Last Gasp first.


A ruthless real estate developer is possessed by the violent spirits of the Native American tribesmen he massacred, which force him to go on an indiscriminate killing spree against his will.

Last Gasp is the second project from Director Scott McGinnis (Angel TV series) from a script co- written by Pierce Milestone (Warlock III: The End Of Innocence 1999) and Stanley Isaacs (Conversations With... franchise). The film stars Terminator 2’s Robert Patrick, Mimi Craven (A Nightmare On Elm Street 1984), Nan Martin (A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 1987), Joanna Pacula (Tombstone 1993), and Vyto Ruginis (Casualties Of War 1989).

Special Features:

  • Newly scanned and restored in 4K from its 35mm original camera negative
  • Extensive outtakes
  • Original theatrical trailer
  • Reversible cover artwork
  • English SDH subtitles

Let me start off by saying that this 4K restoration is gorgeous. The colors are bright, crisp and clear, and the whole film plays as smooth as butter. The lighting is perfect, and I found no issues whatsoever as far as sound. I can’t get over just how beautiful this 4k restoration looks. It’s eye candy, pure and simple.

Last Gasp – Vinegar Syndrome

The film follows Real Estate Developer Leslie Chase (Patrick, looking quite a bit like a younger Norman Reedus circa 1999) as he mows down anything in his path that’s keeping him from building his Mexican hotel, including an entire tribe of indigenous people. At the same time, Nora Weeks (Pacula) and her friend, Goldie—played by Wes Craven’s ex-wife, Mimi Craven—are searching for Nora’s hunk of a missing husband (Jim Davidson), who once worked for Chase. Paths cross and mysteries deepen. It’s not until Chase strips down to his undies and slaps some rather intense-looking tribal makeup on do things start to get good.

The soundtrack is pretty tame. It’s certainly not something to write home about. The acting is generally pretty good, although there are a few awkward moments here and there, like when Leslie, in full Mexican tribesman mode, roars at his victims. This wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t literally call out the word, “Roar!” when he did it. And then there’s the sex scene between Patrick’s character and Goldie. It’s so over the top. The closeup on Leslie’s face as he does her is just too much. I cringed and there wasn’t even anyone around to be embarrassed in front of. The gore is minimal as well. Of course, this is more about Last Gasp itself and not the Vinegar Syndrome treatment, but I digress.

I’m a bit disappointed by the Blu-ray extras. This one doesn’t have any interviews or behind the scenes footage. You get some outtakes that look pretty close to what you get in the film itself, and that’s it.

Don’t let that stop you from picking up this Vinegar Syndrome 4K restoration Last Gasp Blu-ray release, however. The color and clarity of the finished product are worth the price alone. Plus, you’ll get to see a half-naked Robert Patrick take out random people like a pissed off, life-sized Zuni doll with a penchant for Achilles tendons. Grab your copy now at the link below!

About Tracy Allen

As the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of, Tracy has learned a lot about independent horror films and the people who love them. Now an approved critic for Rotten Tomatoes, she hopes the masses will follow her reviews back to PopHorror and learn more about the creativity and uniqueness of indie horror movies.

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