Matthew Packman’s ‘Morbid Colors’ Comes to Physical and Streaming Media in December

Morbid Colors is one of my favorite types of vampire films, the kind where hunters that are either slayers or infected hit the road to try to find the bloodsucker that either killed their family or bit them or someone they love. PopHorror covered it back in February (read the review here) and now we’re here to let you know that Morbid Colors comes to DVD and streaming this December, just in time for Christmas. Wrap the DVD and put it under the tree or watch the digital version with some earbuds in a nice quiet corner when the family get- together runs longer than you anticipated.

From the official press release:

Matthew Packman’s Morbid Colors starring Kara Gray, Lanae Hyneman, and Cindy Maples comes to DVD and Streaming Platforms on December 2021 from Bayview Entertainment.

Synopsis: A tale of two foster sisters forced to hunt down a wealthy socialite believed to have infected the elder sibling with vampirism.

Pre-Order Morbid Colors


About Kevin Scott

Parents who were not film savvy and completely unprepared for choosing child appropriate viewing material were the catalyst that fueled my lifelong love affair with horror, exploitation, blaxploitation, low budget action, and pretty much anything that had to be turned off when my grandparents visited. I turned out okay for the most part, so how bad could all these films actually be?

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