Coming Soon To Digital: ‘SHARK ISLAND’ (2024)

Coming soon to Digital from director Stephen Scruffy Edgewood is a new horror film: Shark Island. The film stars Paul Collett (The Haunting of Hell Hole Mine), Erin Alvey O’Sullivan, and Russell Geoffrey Banks (Ghost House).


Several beautiful models are invited to an exotic location for a photo shoot. There they model a rare $10 million dollar necklace for a wealthy investor. Unbeknownst to them, the island’s surroundings are infested with sharks. Perhaps it’s not the sharks in the water they need to worry about.

Check out the trailer below:

The film will be available September 6, 2024.

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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