Camp Arawak
Sleepaway Camp (1983) is an exploitation slasher film written and directed by Robert Hiltzik. The plot centers on a young shy girl named Angela (Felissa Rose) and her cousin Ricky who are sent to a summer camp called Camp Arawak. Soon after arriving, Angela is bullied by multiple people, but lucky for her there is a killer on the loose who is killing off everyone. But who could it be? This is an incredibly cheesy horror film and I love it. As you follow the story you start suspecting one thing and then another, and then – boom! – the end hits you with a twist that you never expected. It has been described as Carrie meets Friday the 13th. I’d have to agree!
Enjoy your summer and enjoy one from this list of 7 crazy summer camps in horror. If you had to choose a camp from this list to survive the night in, which one would you pick? Let us know!