Eve Mauro

WiHM 2018 Interview with Actress Eve Mauro, Star of ‘Crepitus’

I love a lady who is bold, direct, and has a great sense of humor. Actress Eve Mauro possesses all those qualities and more. She has done a plethora of horror films and TV shows and is in the upcoming cannibalistic clown film Crepitus.

Learn about how she got involved in the industry, her character in Crepitus, female inspirations, and more!

Eve Mauro

PopHorror – Nice to finally talk with you, Eve! How did you get involved in the industry?

Eve Mauro – As a child, my dream was to become an assassin. However, I was never really sure how to get into that line of work. So my next idea was to become an actor so I could play one. And then I found out in acting you don’t just have to be an assassin you could be a serial killer, you can be a mental patient, you can be a cop, you can be a mother. Whatever you want! take your pick. It’s a win-win situation for me. And there’s no jail sentence to follow.

PopHorror – (Laughs) Have you always wanted to act?

Eve Mauro – Once I figured out what acting was, I never looked back. There is nothing else I’d rather do. That’s probably because there’s nothing else I can do but that’s really beside the point.

PopHorror – Oh, I’m sure you are great at many things, but you’re definitely fabulous at acting. What was the first film you ever did?

Eve Mauro – The first film I ever did was a little movie by the name of Wicked Lake. I love it. Al Jourgensen of Ministry even did the soundtrack. How badass is that?

PopHorror – Awesome! One of your newest projects is Crepitus, how did you get involved with that project?

Eve Mauro – I got involved in Crepitus through Chalet Brennan’s father, Russel. He’s an old friend of mine and he also is a producer. He called me up and asked me if I would like to be a drunk abusive mother to his daughter on the movie. I said absolutely.

PopHorror – (Laughs) What’s your character like?

Eve Mauro – She’s a drunk alcoholic mother who beats her children.

PopHorror – Hmm. Beyond that, can you relate to her at all?

Eve Mauro – I mean I don’t have any kids but sure. *Insert evil laugh*

PopHorror – The plotline for this story is pretty creepy. Did you find any scenes hard to do?

Eve Mauro – When you’re working with professionals nothing is difficult to do. I wasn’t putting anyone in harm’s way and what we did we had and fun doing. Nothing is difficult if you put the work in.

Chalet Lizette Brannan and Eve Mauro on the set of Crepitus

PopHorror – February is Women in Horror Month, are there any women in the industry who inspire you?

Eve Mauro – I love the Bride of Chucky. She’s one badass bitch.

PopHorror – Completely agree! If you could work with anyone in the industry who would it be?

Eve Mauro – Rob Zombie. Hands down!

PopHorror – Hopefully that dream will come true someday soon! Are there any other projects you’d like to talk about?

Eve Mauro – Age of the Living Dead is a vampire show I’m doing right now. You should check it out.

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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