My Top 5 Characters In The ‘Friday the 13th’ Franchise

It’s Friday the 13th again, so I thought it was a good time to talk about my favorite characters of the F13 franchise. Film critics through the years have accused Friday the 13th of having simplistic characters with no depth. Now, I don’t expect any actors from the franchise to get an Oscar from their Friday performance, but I will argue that some of these characters are unforgettable, hence we are still talking about them in 2022. So, before you sit back in your chair with your giant tub of popcorn and begin your Friday the 13th marathon ritual on Friday the 13th, perhaps talking about these characters are will set the mood.

5. Ethel: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

How can the foul-mouthed Ethel (Carol Locatell) from part 5 not be on my list? There seems to be two camps concerning A New Beginning: Some hate the film… they say it’s a good slasher but a horrible Friday the 13th movie. While the other camp (of which I’m a proud member) say it’s one of the most entertaining installments. Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning is over-the-top, and there isn’t a more outrageous character in the movie than Ethel.

4. Debbie: Friday the 13th Part 3

I had to put my number one crush from the franchise, Debbie (Tracie Savage) from Friday the 13th Part 3, on this list. Along with being the cutest female victim in the series, Debbie is also the most down-to-earth, the girl next door, and one of those victims you don’t want to see die. Not only because of who she is, but also because she’s pregnant. It’s weird how this is ignored in her death scene. After she is killed, I don’t think a lot of people even remember that she was expecting. It’s a really dark aspect to the film. Debbie, some may forget you, but I never will.

3. Crazy Ralph: Friday the 13th Parts 1 and 2

Every good slasher needs a prophet of doom. I’m not sure if Crazy Ralph (Walt Gorney) was the first doomsayer, but he is always the first one I think of. While I love that he is in Friday the 13th parts 1 and 2, I really wish he would have remained a staple in the series. It would have been brilliant to see him in every film. It’s funny how Crazy Ralph has become one of the most popular characters of the franchise. I’ve seen Crazy Ralph buttons, pendants, shirts, etc… it looks like he is going to live on forever in the hearts of Friday the 13th fans, and he should.

2. Violet: Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning

When deciding on the coolest character in the series, I have to go with Violet (Tiffany Helm) from Friday the 13th Part 5. Some have labeled Violet a goth, that’s just plain wrong. No goth would be in their room dancing to techno music. Violet never looks like a goth either; she looks New Wave. Along with her cool look, she also has a I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude. I love this girl! Honestly, the hardest death for me to watch in part 5 is Violet’s. I don’t want her to die. I want her to escape to some New Wave club and watch her do her funky little dance. But I guess Jason had other plans for her… bastard!

1. Shelley: Friday the 13th Part 3

Yes, my favorite all-time character is Shelley from Friday the 13th Part 3. He seems to be one of the most polarizing characters in the franchise. F13 fans either love him or hate him. Personally, I don’t really understand all of the hate. Shelley is just a misunderstood prankster who struggles with self-esteem. It is kind of funny how he has no self-confidence yet he is one of the most popular Friday the 13th characters. Maybe we can all relate to him in some way or another. Another thing I love about Shelley is that he is responsible for bringing the legendary hockey mask to Jason. You have to give him props for that.

So, did your favorite character make the list? I hope so! I also hope that this list will get you in the mood to start your F13 movie marathon. Have a happy Friday the 13th from everyone at PopHorror!

About Jeremy Adkins

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One comment

  1. Awwww she was pregnant? That’s so sad. Was there anyone that was in all the movies?