Is Death Really The End? ‘BEYOND THE GRAVE’ (2023) – Documentary Film Review

Death is one of the only guarantees in life, yet oddly, it is something we don’t understand and avoid talking about. At some point, we realize our own mortality and it is all a mystery really. Still, it is going to happen to all of us. You don’t know when or how, but death is inevitable. When I heard about this Beyond the Grave (2023), my interest was piqued immediately.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to handle this documentary though. The thought of watching gave me anxiety. Like so many, in the past few years, I’ve experienced loss and potential loss and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to tackle this subject in more detail. However, it just kept nagging me in the back of my mind, I needed to see this.

What did I think of Serena DC’s Beyond the Grave (2023)? Read on to find out.

Beyond the Grave Synopsis

After living through a global pandemic, in 2022 death has been placed at the forefront of our lives however what actually happens to us when we die is still shrouded in mystery….Death is the only certainty we have in life, and yet we know so little about it. Join us as we explore the different aspects of the afterlife including near death experiences, mediums & channeling the dead and how people are trying to extend their lives thru cryonics.

My Thoughts

Beyond the Grave (2023) is hands down one of the best documentaries I’ve watched. I was hooked on this film immediately. The film is broken up into segments. The first segment is with Mary Telliano, an end-of-life coach. I admit, I didn’t have much knowledge that there was such a thing as an end-of-life coach. An end-of-life coach is someone who helps guide in the dying process. It was so insightful and really gave perspective on the peacefulness of death.

The next segment was with real persons who have experienced near-death experiences. Those experiences were told in a way that was just beautiful. That’s all I can say about it. Another segment was about a cryogenic facility in Arizona and about people who choose to be frozen and awakened when medical advances are sufficient to save them. That segment was about a topic so unbelievable to me, yet it was so interesting to learn about it. It was very science fiction!

There was also a fascinating segment about Andrea Perron. She is from the Perron family, whose haunted farmhouse experience in Rhode Island was the basis for the film The Conjuring (2013). It was a paranormal hunting segment and if you are a paranormal fan, you will love this segment.

And finally, there was a segment with Susan Grau, an intuitive life coach and medium. That segment really blows away even the most skeptical person.

The film is about a difficult topic that we avoid discussing and brings it out in the open and is done well. Serena DC is so warm and comforting and is passionate about the topic and you can’t help being passionate about it as well.  It will educate, entertain, and will surely make you think of death, not in a fearful way, but in a way of wonder. Giving us hope that our souls and bodies are separate and that perhaps there is something beyond this world after we die.

Beyond the Grave

My Final Thought

As I mentioned earlier, the thought of watching this film filled me with anxiety. I will admit it is probably due to my fear of dying. I am glad I decided to watch this film. It really made me think and continue to think about death and the deaths of our loved ones in a different way and I recommend that everyone check this film out. It is simply an amazing documentary.

Beyond The Grave is currently available to rent and own on Amazon Prime Video and other video-on-demand services.

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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