Interview with Rocky Gray: His Directorial Debut and Horror Film Composition

Horror movies wouldn’t be the same without killer music. Who do we have to thank for that? The people who score the films, of course! Rocky Gray is best known for his involvement with the band Evanescence. However, lately he’s been rocking the horror world with his wicked music. In the last year, he’s composed music for The Barn and Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories and he has much more on the way, including his directorial debut. Some of those include 10/31/16, Cryptids, and Close Calls. Read on to learn more about these films and why he loves working in the horror genre. 

Photo by Lycan Studio

PopHorror – Hey, Rocky! Thanks for talking with us! How did you become involved with the wonderful world of music and composing?

Rocky Gray – I have been into music basically since birth (laughs). Every genre of music, every instrument. It all has been fascinating to me. Composing, especially in the horror genre, has been something I had wanted to do for a very long time but didn’t have the time as a full time touring musician to really understand how to get my foot in the door in composing for movies and games. Luckily, having time away from the road gave me an opportunity to learn and start doing what I’ve always wanted to do.

PopHorror – I’m glad you finally got to do it! You’re known for your involvement and work with the band Evanescence. What was that experience like?

Rocky Gray – It was a great experience that I appreciate being a part of. Most musicians don’t ever get to that level so I’m very thankful for it. Don’t get me wrong… it got very difficult having a family and being on the road all the time, but it’s one of those things you have to take advantage of while it’s there and it helped pave the way for me to do what I’m doing now.

PopHorror – I completely understand – it would be stressful but overall a completely rewarding experience. What made you switch to working on horror films?

Rocky Gray – I would have been scoring horror films for 10 years by now if I had started when I wanted to. Time was my enemy at that point, though. I guess just knowing that I could do it given the chance is what made me really dig in and make it happen.

PopHorror – You’ve worked on quite a few horror film,s including The Barn and Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories. What was that experience like and how did you get involved?

Rocky Gray – I loved working on both of those films. The Barn was the first horror film I scored and it was such an amazing experience. It gave me the confidence that I took to all the other films I’ve done. Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories was fun and different because it was a few segments of the anthology and a few themes throughout the film, so it let me stretch my legs and do a lot of different things on one movie.

PopHorror – I adore them both – The Barn was one of my favorites from last year. What do you have in store for us for the upcoming films 10/31/16 and Cryptids?

Rocky Gray – I’m producing and making my directorial debut in the Halloween themed 10/31 anthology and scoring all but one segment. It’s in the finishing stages of production and should be out in September. Justin Seaman and Zane Hershberger from The Barn, Johnny Holt of The Dooms Chapel Horror and Brett DeJager of Bonejangles are all directing segments of the film. P.J. Starks of Volumes of Blood is executive producing. These segments are super fun and, dare I say, scary. I can’t wait for people to see it.

Cryptids is an anthology from Justin Seaman and Zane Hershberger from The Barn as well. This one is still in its early stages. I’ve scored two segments so far, but from everything I’ve seen, this will be a lot of fun.

PopHorror – Ahhhh! I’m so excited for both of these films and I love everyone involved! Have you always loved horror films? If so, which one is your favorite?

Rocky Gray – I have always loved the horror genre. My favorite is The Exorcist.

PopHorror – That’s a perfect choice – one of the scariest films ever made. Who is your biggest inspiration in the horror genre?

Rocky Gray – I have many influences and those that inspire, but to boil it all down to just one, I would have to say John Carpenter.

PopHorror – He is definitely one of the great masters of horror. Speaking of which, have you ever starred in a horror film, and if not, would you?

Rocky Gray – I have not and I would much rather score the film than star in it.

PopHorror – Well, you’re definitely good at what you do! Do you have any other upcoming projects or anything else you’d like to mention?

Rocky Gray – Be on the lookout for a couple movies I scored – Richard Stringham’s Close Calls and Eric Stanze’s In Memory Of. They were some great projects to work on. I’ll be putting the Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories, 10/31 and Close Calls soundtracks out soon as well.

Thanks so much for talking to us, Rocky! Horror fans, stay tuned to PopHorror for updates and info on all of Rocky’s projects!


About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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