‘Episode 3.4: Malvolia’s Halloween Party’ (2019) Review: Trick or Treat?

I’m a little behind on my Halloween festivities this year, but one of my favorite traditions is watching Malvolia devour her victims. Episode 3.4: Malvolia’s Halloween Party is her newest event and it’s possibly one of her best parties yet. Oodles of blood and delightful screams.

Malvolia’s Halloween Party was created and written by Jennifer Nangle. It was directed and edited by Paul Stephen Edwards. It has a killer cast including Jennifer Nangle (Malvolia), Sarah Schultz (Jessie), Brialynn Massie (Bria), Charles Chudabala (Charles), Thomas Haley (Movie Exec.), Hunter Johnson (Hunter), Sheri Davis (Bloody Sheri), Lara Jean (Sataness), Reyna Meree Velarde (Kelly), and Carter B. Allen (Mr. Gerald). The tricker treaters include Christabella Glasgow, James Glasgow, Matt Glasgow, Marlee Schaefer, and Leah Schaefer.

Episode 3.4: Malvolia's Halloween Party

Synopsis for Episode 3.4: Malvolia’s Halloween Party

Malvolia is having her annual “Invite Only” Halloween Party… But that doesn’t stop Jessie from finding the party address online and crashing it. Like always, Malvolia has some tricks, other than treats, up her sleeve that Jessie never sees it coming…

If you’re looking for a quick, fun, and deliciously evil treat to start your Halloween off, this episode is for you! Episode 3.4: Malvolia’s Halloween Party is one of Malvolia’s best parties yet. I love how Jessie finds her party address online and crashes it. It takes some balls to do that, knowing Malvolia’s delectable taste in humans. You got to live when dinner delivers itself, am I right?

Episode 3.4: Malvolia's Halloween Party

One of my favorite parts about this episode was the killer cast. There are so many talented people from the indie horror community in this. Some of my favorites include Sarah Schultz (Jessie), Brialynn Massie (Bria), Charles Chudabala (Charles), Sheri Davis (Bloody Sheri), and Lara Jean (Sataness). Seeing familiar faces in a Halloween story always brightens my day. I loved seeing the return of Bloody Sheri and Charles is always hilarious. But most of all I love seeing the indie community working together. This should happen more. Stop competing and work together and support one another.

Malvolia is especially mischievous in this episode. It’s her party though, so she can play as many tricks and each as many victims as she wants too. And yes, that includes children. They’re small, but their innocence makes them the perfect dessert. Jennifer Nangle always shines best when playing Malvolia. You can see she was destined to be her and has placed very careful thought into this character. There are several horror hosts out there, but Malvolia definitely stands out. You can also see her in Rocky Gray’s new Halloween horror anthology 10/31 Part 2.

Final Thoughts

I hope you all are having a fantastic Halloween. Stay warm, drink hot chocolate, load up on candy, and make sure to include Episode 3.4: Malvolia’s Halloween Party in your spooktastic marathon. For easy access, the link is down below. Happy Halloween!

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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