PopHorror’s DIY Halloween Decorations

Happy October, PopHorror readers! Can you feel Halloween approaching? I know I can, and I just love Halloween decorations. My family usually starts preparations in the beginning of August. This year, we discovered a large portion of our decorations were damaged beyond repair and not salvageable; it was devastating. I turned to what I do best: inexpensive, DIY and re-purposed crafts. Here are a few DYI Halloween decorations I’d like to share with you to try.

Halloween Wreath

Depending on the style you prefer, the base of your wreath can be twigs, wire, or even foam circles. Nowadays, your local dollar store may have these times in stock. I wanted something that reflects the autumn season, so I chose a rustic, burnt orange piece of felt. First, cut the felt into different sized circles. Then, cut the circle in a spiral starting from the outside-in. Start off thin and let them get wider as you reach the center of your circle.

Now, start rolling the flower from the outside working inward. Try to roll it tightly at first and then loose at the end. You can then apply hot glue to close off the flower and attach it to the wreath. Make as many flowers as you need to fill the desired space. Embellish your wreath with word cut-outs, spiders and webs, if you want. Get creative and explore your options. Consider a specific theme, specific Halloween creature, movie inspirations, colors, etc.

The finished product!

About Anna

Hello readers, I was born and raised in Southern California. Throughout my upbringing I grew fond of the horror movie genre thanks to my mother. With my interest in true crime, I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in forensic investigation. I enjoy art of all kind and appreciate subject matter outside the social norm. I like to engage in conversation involving my passions, so lets talk.

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  1. These are so awesome . …I love DIY stuff and usually try to add at least 1 prop to ourvyard….last year I made my crooked fence fof graveyard and Made my husband make me body frames that we dressed with clothes from thrift store for zombies….always love to see what others fo or get some great ideas.
    Thank you for this spooktackler article!!!!!

    • Thank you for sharing! We appreciate the feedback!

    • Thank you Donna! I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Sounds like you’re full of ideas as well. I enjoy all the decorations in the stores but its special when I see people get so creative and make things.

      Deeply appreciate the feesback.