Interview with Charles Chudabala, New Scream King of Indie Horror

Indie horror is hotter then ever and PopHorror recently got the chance to chat with Charles Chudbala, one of the new scream kings of indie horror himself! Check out our interview and see how Charles got his start in horror and see some exclusive photos from some of his upcoming films.

PopHorror:  Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Charles! I’m really excited to hear all about you and all of your exciting horror movies you have coming out.

Charles Chudabala: Thank you for this opportunity. I’m really excited as well!

PopHorror: How did you get into the film industry?

Charles Chudabala: Ever since I was took my first drama class in high school, I knew that I wanted to be a film actor. In 2013, I began submitting myself for short films and commercial work and basically anything I could get my hands on to gain set experience. At this point, I knew that my dream in life was to work on horror movies. In the summer of 2014, I got cast in my first horror feature, an indie thriller called Survive. I met one my best buddies on this set, acting alongside the talented Hunter Johnson.

Charles in the 2017 film Scratch

PopHorror: What is it that draws you into the horror genre?

Charles Chudabala: Horror is exciting. Plain and simple. Boredom offends me in life. Not only does the genre tackle issues of mortality and fear, but it allows for a backdrop of fantasy and reality where there are no creative limits. I enjoy the feeling of being scared and trapped in a dilemma right along with the characters in the movies. Creating believable horror as a skill set is difficult, and this is why my favorite directors are horror directors.

PopHorror: I love that you said boredom offends you… because likewise (laughs)! 2Jennifer was so much fun! What was it like being in a movie filmed only with an iPhone?

Charles Chudabala: On one hand, filming was quick because there were minimal lighting set ups. On the hand, working with an iPhone came with a set of challenges, mainly with image stabilization. An app was used to lock focus when we were recording, but because the app had to export the footage after rendering, we ran into problems when the app interfaced with the actual iPhone’s camera roll. Hence, perfect long takes would suddenly disappear and we had to shoot the scenes over again. 2 Jennifer was a great learning experience for me as both an actor and associate producer.

Exclusive still from Serena Waits

PopHorror: I’ve done a few short films and rendering is certainly a pain, but so cool to hear about your experience. I’ve been waiting forever for Death House to come out. Can you tell me anything about your role or the film?

Charles Chudabala: The film just screened recently, and the response from fans has been overwhelmingly positive! Here’s what I can say: my scene is is sprinkled with cameos from all over the indie horror community! I play a homeless person, and with that said, I believe that the audience will be left connecting the dots within the world of Death House. This is an intricate film with tons of moving parts and theories. I hope you enjoy it. I heard a rumor that it’s coming soon.

PopHorror: Yay! So excited! Another one fans are excited for is Ugly Sweater Party. What was your favorite thing about being in it?

Charles Chudabala: I, too, am excited about Ugly Sweater Party! I had so much fun making this film! Seriously, every scene felt like a real party. No joke! You can’t help but think to yourself, “No they didn’t!” or “Can this movie get any weirder?” and then it does. Hunter Johnson was my co-star in this film, and I honestly couldn’t stop laughing at the crazy costume he had to wear and the situations his character found himself in. You know its going to be a good movie when we would look at each throughout the filming and say, “There’s no turning back now. We might as well go all the way!”

Spoiler alert, Lara Jean Mummert gets a crossbow in this movie, and I’m super JELLY. I have some exclusive stills from the set to share with you all, thanks to the director Aaron Mento!
PopHorror: Thank you for sharing those! Ugly Sweater Party just looks and sounds so bad ass! Also, I love Lara Jean! You have been crazy busy. What other upcoming films or passion projects do you have?
Charles Chudabala: I just wrapped Irrational Fear. We shot in Wisconsin in June 2017. I’m really excited about this film because I had the opportunity to do something I’ve never done before. Doctor Sanders is by far the most complex character I have ever played, and to be honest, I was scared to take on the role. I think that this is what I love most about about Irrational Fear. Every character in this movie is so well developed and complex that you can’t help but to be glued watching each performance.
I was up for the challenge and wrapped this production feeling that I had grown as an actor and bonded with a cast and crew who are seriously some of the best people I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to work with them all again. This was also the first time Jenn Nangle and I shared screen time in a feature together. She killed in her role as Kelly, by the way! Irrational Fear also has some of the most original and haunting death scenes I have ever seen. I heard a rumor that it could be released this year!
Charles on the set of Irrational Fear
Also anticipated for release in 2017/2018 are:
Escape From Ensenada (directed by: Brandon Slagle)
Screening at US Hollywood International Golden Film Awards
Serena Waits (directed by: Hunter Johnson)
(Venue to be announced)
We can’t wait to get this screener to PopHorror soon!
Lara Jean Mummert and Charles on the set of Serena Waits
Speaking of Serena Waits, I’m preparing to reunite with Hunter Johnson, Lara Jean Mummert  and Brialynn Massi on Alex Hwang’s Lilith, a horror anthology we are shooting in August 2017. There’s so much I want to say about some of the secret projects I have brewing, but I promise that announcements will be made soon! I hate keeping secrets! Hate it!
Exclusive still from Serena Waits
PopHorror: I can’t wait to see all of these! If you could work with one horror director who would it be?
Charles Chudabala: I am so lucky to have worked with such talented directors who understand horror and know how to keep a good energy on set. These directors have now become close friends of mine. It sounds cliche, but I really am a fan of my friends! With that being said, I admire the work of Mike Flanagan. I truly believe he understands how to build tension and suspense while not compromising production design. His film, Oculus, was the movie that inspired me to be a horror filmmaker.
PopHorror: Nice choice! What is your favorite horror movie?

Charles Chudabala: The hardest question… But my go to is Misery. I say this because it was the first horror movie that I fell in love with. I used to watch it over and over as a child and beg my parents to rent it for me. I’m also a huge fan of The Sentinel (1977) and The House of The Devil (2009). There’s something visceral and raw about these films. Anything with a retro soundtrack and a nostalgic backdrop scares the hell out of me. Then add on religious undertones and I am SOLD!

PopHorror: Misery is a fave of mine as well! What is your favorite behind-the-scenes moment of any of your films?
Charles Chudabala: Most recently on the set of Irrational Fear, there’s a night scene where the entire ensemble cast is in a group therapy session being held in a gazebo. The scene has some heavy moments, and it’s played very seriously. Jenn Nangle was the first to break character. A giant June bug landed on her shirt. She screamed, then it flew off and started attacking all of us. At this point, we are all screaming and hoping someone could open the net curtains to let this thing out! We all regressed into babies. You had to be there. We laughed it off… but I’m convinced it was nervous laughter. We needed to lick each other’s wounds (laughs). I hope they were rolling on this take! That thing should not exist in nature. It was huge.
Exclusive still from Irrational Fear
PopHorror: That is hilarious! You all sound like you have so much fun! It really does convey on screen. What advice do you have for other actors wanting to break into the industry?
Charles Chudabala: Just do it. If someone says no, then go create your own content. No excuses. If you really want it, you’ll find away. The only way not to succeed is to give up. Also, surround yourself with people you can trust, industry friends who have your back no matter what. Also, just be nice to people and treat everyone with respect… just my two cents!
Thanks so much to Charles Chudabala and be sure to stay tuned to PopHorror for all of his upcoming films and projects!

About Lacylou1122

Lacy Lou has had a love for horror movies pretty much since birth! If you ever need a horror trivia question answered she's your girl!!! She is obsessed with the movie Scream and even has a Ghostface tattoo to prove it! She loves to write and make new friends that share the same interest.

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