Movie Reviews

‘DOOMSDAY’ (2008) – Who Says Post-Apocalyptic Living Can’t Be Fun?

Okay, well maybe not exactly “fun.” I guess it depends on what all you’re into, and badass women and post-apocalyptic marauders happen to be at the top of my list. With some of these retro reviews, I feel like some kind of champion for films that were mostly unloved at …

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Defending Nobody’s Favorite: Why ‘Scream 3’ Is Better Than You Thought

Scream 3

Recently I conducted a 24 hour survey on SCREAM sequels, asking Twitter their favorite. An overwhelming majority mentioned Scream 2 as their favorite (our writer, Jason, seems to agree). The least favored, however? Scream 3 by a harsh difference. So it’s fair to say it’s not popular. However, I want …

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Carter Smith’s ‘SWALLOWED’ (2022) – Movie Review


I remember way back in 2008 when Carter Smith’s The Ruins came out. I remember being repulsed and disgusted by the film, and I mean that in the best way. For years I’ve been wondering what happened to Carter Smith. Apparently I’ve been living under a rock, as he directed …

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Donovan Smith’s ‘Grimoire’ (2022)- Short Film Review


I absolutely adore short stories and short films. So when opportunities arise to review, I take them. Donovan Smith is a writer here at PopHorror and during the pandemic, he wrote, directed, and starred in his short film titled Grimoire. When he told me about it and I watched the …

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‘KILL HER GOATS’ (2023) Review – Gore, Girls, and Goats

kill her goats movie

Kill Her Goats is a slow-burn home invasion film that takes place in the fictional town of West Craven, Cape Cod. The same setting as Muck! Steve Wolsh (read our interview here) wrote and directed the film. It stars Arielle Raycene, Ellie Gonsalves (Guess model and Wildlife Warriors ambassador), Monica …

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How Many ‘Followers’ Are Enough?

How many are enough?  And at what cost? This first-time feature from the late UK writer/director Marcus Harben (Blood of Wynter) attempts to answer these questions and more. Shot in a found footage/vlog style, Followers explores the dark side of social media influencer culture and offers some scathing social commentary …

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‘CRYPTID’ (2023) Review – Just Another Creature Feature? Or Something More?

At first glance, the crowdfunded indie film Cryptid may look like just another B-movie creature feature. I found it to be more than that. How much more? Check out the trailer, then read on for the full review! The Story Harriet (Ellen Adair) and Max (Nicholas Baroudi) give us a …

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