BUFF 2018: ‘A/S/L’ – Hardcore Horror Short Review

I just want to start off by saying that I love reviewing films for film festivals. You honestly never know what you are going to stumble across, and some of the best films out there right now are coming off the film festival circuit! With that being said, I was given the opportunity to review a horror short called A/S/L for the Underground Boston Film Festival. Just seeing the title made my mind race. I immediately thought of my pre-teen days that were filled with being on AOL’s AIM and their infamous chat rooms. I wondered if this little horror short, directed by Ben Swicker (The Dissolving Man 2017), could have something to do with that.

What Works

In my opinion, A/S/L is actually even more hardcore than 2005’s Hard Candy. The film features a middle aged man named Doug, who is looking to chat online with some fine ladies late one night. He appears to be wearing a wedding ring… right away, we know that Doug is a douche. I must admit, he is the exact type of guy that I pictured sitting behind the keyboard whenever someone would ask my age, sex, and location in a chat room back in the day. I think he was perfectly casted. Bravo! A/S/L takes a predictable story and actually makes it fun and twisty, making for a beautiful blood fest. I actually think this short would be a perfect addition to any anthology horror film. It pays homage to both classic horror and the modern stuff.

What Doesn’t Work

A/S/L is a lot of fun in seven minutes, swinging between being nostalgic and very cringeworthy. I have to say, I did find one flaw with this short film. The girl Doug is talking to says she is 13. I don’t know the actual age of the actress, but she absolutely does not look 13. I mean, obviously, Doug is idiot anyway, but I would be thinking it was setup just based on how the girl looked. That really is my only qualm with the film, though.

Final Thoughts

A/S/L is a perfect throwback to the ’90s “chat room creep” era. Its ambiance is very erie. The film’s overall tone goes very well with the atmosphere of the film. A/S/L has a nice, little genre twist, and as I said before, I could see this one in a horror anthology film. It somewhat reminded me of a scene from Trick r Treat. I also think this film could serve as a great PSA to remind us that we never actually know who we are chatting with online. A/S/L is one I would recommend!

Stay tuned to PopHorror for more reviews from the Boston Underground Film Festival!

About Lacylou1122

Lacy Lou has had a love for horror movies pretty much since birth! If you ever need a horror trivia question answered she's your girl!!! She is obsessed with the movie Scream and even has a Ghostface tattoo to prove it! She loves to write and make new friends that share the same interest.

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