Movie Review: D.W. Thomas’ ‘Too Late’ (2021) Shows The Comedy Business Can Be Murder

I remember at a time in my life I actually did stand-up comedy. I failed, but I don’t regret it, but I remember afterward the feeling of embarrassment, failure, and just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Being a comedian isn’t as easy it may look. This is what we’re going to talk about today my review for the film Too late directed by D.W. Thomas (Hey, FiBi!, 2018) synopsis of the film A lonely assistant finally finds love and must escape her monster of a boss before she and her new love become his next meal.too late

After watching the trailer, I was intrigued about what to expect. I’m a fan of monster movies so this seemed right up my alley. With a running time of under 80 minutes, the film doesn’t waste any time getting right to the point but still taking time to develop characters where we don’t feel too left out. The film has an excellent opening sequence that did spark my interest further.

From that point, the film sets up the story instantly especially about what is going on. Being labeled as a comedy thriller not a whole lot of jokes made me laugh aloud. Chuckle, but I feel this helps Too Late where if it was too comedic it would lose the focus of the film and just be a slapstick cartoon-like movie when in fact the film works as an excellent episode of Tales from the Crypt and the movie has some interesting drama that we see unfold with the main character Violet (Alyssa Limperis, Aunty Donna’s big Ol’ House of fun, 2020) who is a flawed character there was time watching her that I agreed with but the execution may not be perfect. It’s a slippery slope that is with Too Late.too late

The story I wish had a little more background but there wasn’t that much need when we hear about why it happens vs how it began. At times some performances fall lackluster but build up. I did like that even though there were some big comedians in it. Fred Armisen (Portlandia, 2011) and Mary Lynn Rajskub (24, 2003) who even though they may have small roles don’t overshadow the main characters their rapport is excellent and help the story. The FX in Too Late is well done and not goofy especially the ending where we see a bit more of the FX unfold to make things interesting. I walked away enjoying this movie and think it deserves to be watched the poster may throw you off but I can understand it may be a bit hard to market a movie where you don’t give away too much and at the same time you still want to sell the movie on what you’re going to watch. The movie streaming on multiple platforms right now and if playing in your theater I would recommend watching it.

About Jai Alexis

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