BITS 2020 Review: ‘Funny Frights’ Shorts

When given the option, I don’t often seek out funny horror films, but this time, I went ahead and gave the Blood In The Snow 2020 horror short block, Funny Frights, a shot to review. I’m so happy I did!

Eat Your Carrots

It’s a multimedia film, directed by Jack Penney, starring Jack and Lucy Penney, David Weaver, and Lea Lamoureax, done with live action, simple animation, and Legos.


An older brother tells her sister about the deadly snowman wars in an effort to get her to eat her carrots.

This was my all time favorite film out of all of the Funny Frights shorts block. Eat Your Carrots is a simple, effective, and fun film. I was gratified to know that the man at the general store feels that 9 years-old is old enough to sell a kid dynamite. A town has got to have its standards. But honestly, this is the kind of sweet, slightly dark film I’d one hundred percent make with my children if I had them.

An Imposter

Directed by Tyler A. Williams and starring Coen Williams and Christina Burkill.


After 96 days in quarantine, things can get weird…

Anyone who has been in quarantine knows what this is like: it feels like we’re all living Groundhog’s Day over and over and over again. But what if things got weird. I mean, REALLY weird…

I loved the fluid, repetitive nature of the start of this film. And when it turned, it really turned, in a weird and unexpected way! This one is really fun, and you will probably not see the twist coming.


Directed by Marco Baldonado and starring Rosa Foriano, Gabriela Francis, and Mary Rose Sciarrillo.


A 90 yea- old Nonna teaches a robot how to make spaghetti.

This was, at times, both the sweetest and the saddest film of the four. It represented both the way technology can assist us in chronicling the past and how it can also alienate us from it. The best way to describe it would be as if you were to receive a warm hug immediately followed by a slap to the face…. I will say one thing; it was certainly memorable.

The Problem with Lady Werewolves

Directed by Chris Ross (Friends on Facebook) and stars Jaqueline Ambrosia (Valour), Reid Asselstine (Wexford Plaza), Tiffany Babiak (My Paranormal Nightmare TV Series), Aury Barnett (The Silk Iris), and Trevor Kecheson (Dreamstate).


Two young women survive a vicious attack and begin to see themselves differently, believing they might be werewolves.

Another amazingly fun short film. This one was bolstered by the charisma of the two young stars, Jaqueline Abrosia and Reid Asselstine. Both are amazing in their roles, and I sincerely hope to see more of them in the future! Their friendship plays as genuine. This is the one short that would be great as a feature length film. I love the story and the effects as well. Hey, fingers crossed that this happens!

These four short films were a ton of fun. If you are able to find them, I encourage you to do so!

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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