Charlie Cargile

Central Illinois based film journalist. Lover of cinema of all varieties but in love with films with an independent spirit. Elder Emo. Cat Dad. Metalhead.

‘Attack Of The Killer Donuts’ (2017) Movie Review

I love horror comedies, especially ones that aren’t afraid to embrace the inherent cheesiness of their concept. So when I was given the opportunity to review Attack Of The Killer Donuts, I jumped at the chance. Did Attack Of The Killer Donuts fulfill my craving for horror comedy? Or was …

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Stegman Is Dead (2017) Movie Review

Every once in awhile, I get the opportunity to review something that allows me to broaden my horizons from the horror films I usually review. Stegman Is Dead is one of those films, a comedic crime thriller starring genre legend Michael Ironside in a major supporting role. Stegman Is Dead …

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House of Whores (2015) Movie Review

A couple years ago, I found out a friend of mine starred in an indie horror film called House of Whores, which I promptly purchased. I’ve started the film several times but never managed to finish it. I figured since I will be reviewing the latest sequel of the film …

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Mean Little People (2017) Book Review

Lately, I have been in the mood for nothing but reading. Last week I signed up for NetGalley, a site that gives reviewers free e-books for review purposes. I stumbled across a book called Mean Little People from writer Paige Dearth, which I saw talked about awhile back on Goodreads. …

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Interview with Sean Donohue of Gatorblade Films, Creator of Death-Scort Service

I’ve been a fan of Sean Donohue ever since he sent me a screener of Death-Scort Service to review for my blog way back. I have reviewed every film he has released since, including the recently released Death-Scort Service 2. Recently I got the opportunity to talk to Sean about how …

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‘Scream For Summer’ (2017) Movie Review

Earlier this year, my anticipation was high for The Wicked One (you can read my review here), which turned out to be an intense and satisfying indie slasher. Soon after viewing it, I found out that its writer, Cheyenne Gordon, was writing and directing his own film, Scream For Summer, which got me …

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BITS 2017: ‘Buckout Road’ – Movie Review

Every time I see a huge name in an indie horror film, I typically expect little more than a glorified cameo to draw an audience in with name value. So when I was given Buckout Road to review and saw Danny Glover listed amongst the cast, I expected about 2 …

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‘Stranger Things’ Most Hated Episode, ‘The Lost Sister’: Why I Love It

Stranger Things is insanely popular, especially right now with season 2 having premiered at the end of October. There are many things that the fans seems to disagree on and debate, but one thing everyone seems to agree on (with the exception of my girlfriend and I), is that season …

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BITS 2017: ‘Kill Order’ – Movie Review

Kill Order

While not my go to genre, I do enjoy martial arts films quite a bit. What I am a bigger fan of is science fiction, especially films about people with superhuman abilities. The moment I saw the Kill Order trailer, I was really excited to see it. The film looked like it …

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