‘THE SCIENCE OF GHOSTS’ By Lilah Sturges Is A Great Queer Graphic Novel For Pride, Or Any Time – Book Review

Since it’s Pride this month, this seems like the perfect time to highlight queer voices and representation in literature. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of an upcoming graphic novel, The Science of Ghosts, written by Lilah Sturges and illustrated by El Garing. This book will be released on June 18th, and I think you should order it IMMEDIATELY. This is, hands-down, my favorite graphic novel of the year. 


While navigating the mysteries of the afterlife, Joy Ravenna – a transgender parapsychologist, must also deal with the very real challenges of her past and present. Her first post-transition relationship, a hostile ex-wife, and clues to murder long forgotten will test her at every twist and turn. For Joy, working with ghosts is way easier than dealing with the living.

I went into The Science of Ghosts expecting something quirky and not too serious. That idea was based solely on the title. What I actually got was a deeply emotional journey, filled with rich characters, secret rituals, and murderous ghosts. I sat down to “check it out” and was halfway through the book before I even knew it. And I’d already cried at least once by that point. 

A panel from The Science of Ghosts which I found particularly impactful
This single panel from The Science of Ghosts released a flood of tears for me.

The story of Dr. Joy Ravenna feels like a deeply personal one. I was struck by the honesty of the emotions in this story, which is as much about Joy’s struggle to come to terms with her identity and the rejection of her wife as it is about ghosts and the search for proof of their existence. And that’s a good thing, in my opinion. The world needs more realistic representations of diverse experiences. It was refreshing and enlightening to be able to “take a walk in someone else’s shoes” so to speak. These kinds of experiences are the main reason why I love reading so much. 

The ghost story portion of The Science of Ghosts was entertaining enough to make the book worth checking out, but the social commentary and emotional gut-punches make it worth re-reading and sharing with everyone you know. And I hope you’ll do just that. Order now from your favorite bookseller and thank me later.

About Sara Ferrarese

I'm Sara and I love all things horror. Whether it's books, movies, audiobooks, comics, manga, or games, if it's spooky or gory I am all about it!

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