Tag Archives: Panic Fest 2020

Panic Fest 2020 Movie Review: ‘The Perished’ Is Gut-Wrenching And Horrifying!

The Perished

I’ve been dying to watch The Perished for the past year, but something always came up. Finally, I was able to watch it for Panic Fest 2020 and let’s just say it was worth the wait. This gut-wrenching film was written and directed by Paddy Murphy. The cast includes Fiach …

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Panic Fest 2020 Review: ‘Uncle Peckerhead’ Is Loads Of Fun

Directed by Matthew John Lawrence (Larry Gone Demon 2015), Uncle Peckerhead shines a very different light on the semi-glamorous life of a touring musician. The film opens as Judy (a brilliant Chet Siegel: The Last Two People On Earth TV series), the lead singer/bass player of the group DUH, quits …

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Panic Fest 2020 Short Film Review: ‘Amber,’ Is Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare

Every parent’s worst nightmare is the kidnapping of their child. The short film, Amber, directed by Andrew Wynkoop (To Pierce An Angel’s Wing 2017), addresses this issue with a nightmarish twist. I recently got to watch it for Panic Fest 2020. The film stars Sherill Quinn (Choice 2019), Johnny Gilligan …

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Panic Fest 2020 Review – ‘Allergic Overreaction’ Is A Genius Black Comedy

Every once in awhile, a movie comes along that completely changes the way you look at something. It makes you think, “Damn it, why the hell didn’t I think of that?” Allergic Overreation is that movie. Directed by Zachary Eglinton (The Poisoning 2013), the 14 minute film stars Ace Marrero …

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