An Infamous Internet Troll… ‘Troll Inc. – A Documentary’ Film Review

In our modern world, we rely on technology, which can be a good or a bad thing. Sometimes you read through comments on social media, and you’re horrified how brutal people can be. Wasn’t it better to not know people’s every single thought? I’m sure we have all had an internet troll respond to a Facebook post or a YouTube video, a “keyboard warrior” that makes you want to shove your hand through your screen to slap them in the face. We assume these guys are basement dwelling losers who have nothing else to do but hide behind their computers and say stupid stuff to piss the rest of the world off. What if there was a select group of internet trolls that believed they were trolling for the greater good? George Russell’s Troll, Inc. film delves into that very idea. Read on to find out more about this eye-opening documentary.

Film Still from Troll Inc

Troll Inc., Synopsis:

From innocent meme culture to malicious propaganda, the avant-garde has moved online and they have an agenda. Emerging from deep within underground computer programming culture, internet trolls are disenfranchised and using the click-bait obsessed mass media to propel their performance art into the mainstream. Whether mischievously entertaining the masses, influencing presidential elections, or manipulating journalists and corporations, trolls are either saving us or driving our culture off of a cliff.

Prosecuted as a whistleblower by the Federal Government, Troll Inc. follows the world’s most famous Internet troll, Andrew Auernheimer, and his merry band of provocateurs as they take on corporate America, the media, and political correctness.

Troll Inc Film Poster

My Thoughts

I honestly didn’t know much about what this film prior to viewing. I will say that Troll Inc. is a fascinating documentary. It made me think. A lot. Which is a sign of a good film, especially a documentary of this sort. There is a whole other world of trolling out there.

The format of the film is a series of interviews… however, not the mundane kind. They do interject some humor into the situation. Troll Inc. definitely held my interest, and I even found myself enjoying myself, although I honestly didn’t think I would. I thought the subject matter would be dry and maybe even go over my head. It isn’t, and I found myself engaged in the film. While it may be controversial, Troll Inc. gives a different perspective of internet trolling and is worth checking out.

This film is relevant to the times and I definitely suggest you giving Troll, Inc. a chance. It is available on VOD for rental or purchase on most platforms.

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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