‘Soft Matter’ (2018) Delivers a Campy Horror Comedy

A movie that combines mad scientists, a sea god, a search for immortality, and an art show? Hmmm… seems like a crazy combination. Soft Matter, written and directed by Jim Hickcox, combines this all together to create a movie that is not to be taken seriously in this campy horror comedy.

Soft Matter Poster

There are two storylines that parallel each other. The first is the two mad scientists who have taken over an abandoned health care facility to experiment on their monster creations in search of a formula for immortality. The second storyline is about a graffiti artist named Haircut and his female friend, Kish (who for no reason provided is wearing a fake mustache the entire movie). Haircut and Kish decide that the best place for an art show should be haunted and unfortunately, they choose the same abandoned facility that the mad scientists have laid claim to.

While setting up for the art show they discover the mad scientists’ monster creations and then eventually the mad scientists. The turmoil between Haircut and Kish against the mad scientists takes a turn for the worst when they have to battle for survival against the angry sea god. Whatever will become of them?

The movie clearly is not taking itself too seriously with the campy practical effects, a cartoon about a ghost turtle, a sea god living in a mop bucket, and a dancing slime garbage bag monster. The feel of this movie reminds me a lot of Troma movies, which are an acquired taste. If you are looking for this type of campy horror comedy then Soft Matter will deliver.

About Englewood29

A woman with a life long love affair of horror movies that enjoys supporting the horror community through her writing. .

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