Scream Until You Like It! ‘GHOULIES II’ (1987) Blu-ray Review

Was it really 36 years ago?!? Holy shit, do I feel old! Yes, 36 years ago, Charles Band’s Empire Pictures unleashed a second entry into the little demon franchise. With his father Albert (Dracula’s Dog) directing, and the triumvirate of Charlie Dolan, Luca Bercovici (director of Ghoulies) and Dennis Paoli (Re-Animator; Suitable Flesh) writing, Ghoulies II took the little bastards out of the old mansion and into a traveling carnival!

Ghoulies II Synopsis

“The Ghoulies wreak havoc at an amusement park, disposing of those who mistake them for mere fairground attractions.”

Arriving on a snazzy new Blu-ray edition from MVD’s Rewind Collection, Ghoulies II spins the tragic yarn of boozy carnival huckster Uncle Ned (Royal Dano; Killer Klowns from Outer Space) and his nephew Larry (Damon Martin; Pee Wee’s Big Adventure) schlepping their “Satan’s Den” attraction to the next destination of their traveling show.

After an unscheduled stop at a service station, where the titular nasties hitch a ride, the pair soon find out that the greedy son of the new owner, P. Hardin (J. Downing; Yellowstone), is planning to shut down the spookhouse if their numbers don’t improve. Lending a helping hand to Uncle Ned and Larry are fellow carnies Sir Nigel Penneyweight (Phil Fondacaro; Willow, Return of the Jedi) and Nicole (Kerry Remsen; A Nightmare on Elm St. 2) who soon becomes embroiled in a love triangle with Larry & P. Hardin. But, very soon, fair goers are enthralled with Satan’s Den as the Ghoulies add some ultra-realistic scares to the attraction, and the bodies (and goop) start piling up!

With Downing playing the quintessential “rich asshole” villain, and a killer W.A.S.P. song on the soundtrack (Scream Until You Like It; unfortunately, the video isn’t included) movies don’t get very much more 1987 than this one! And that’s a big part of this sequel’s (there were two more after Band sold the rights to Vestron to save the cash-strapped Empire) charm. John Carl Buechler (Hatchet) was back to do the incredible practical effects that brought the Ghoulies to creepy life, and that’s about as “artsy” as it gets with this film; it’s genuine, tongue-in-cheek fun! A lot more nasty, gory and violent than you’d expect for a PG-13 film, Ghoulies II also manages to be a more entertaining watch than the first installment.

With a video store-style slipcover (limited to the first pressing), alternate and reversible packaging, and a cool little mini poster, the Blu from MVD looks exactly as a boutique collector’s edition should. A new introduction and interview segment with Paoli is included, with more of the extras including deleted scenes and the More Toilets, More Terror featurette ported over from the 2015 Scream Factory pressing. The transfer here is as sharp and clear as you’d expect, with no evident glitches in sound, or visual noise noticeable.

A fun, frightening, and unpretentiously entertaining film, Ghoulies II is absolutely worth a look and a purchase, just check that toilet before you sit down…

MVD’s Rewind Collection Blu-ray of Ghoulies II is available now from fine retailers.


About Tom Gleba

A life long fan of horror and ridiculous metal, I've spent my life: watching horror films, writing about them, occasionally making them, collecting them on physical media, and struggling to find meaning in Fulci's "Manhattan Baby"...

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