Tom Gleba

A life long fan of horror and ridiculous metal, I've spent my life: watching horror films, writing about them, occasionally making them, collecting them on physical media, and struggling to find meaning in Fulci's "Manhattan Baby"...

Art? Or Exploitation? Shane Ryan’s ‘AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER’ Trilogy Review

Producer/director/actor Shane Ryan generated considerable buzz, and controversy, with 2006’s Amateur Porn Star Killer. A film that set the found footage/snuff sub-genre on it’s head with shocking realism and subject matter. The film, and it’s subsequent sequels, are finally enjoying a wide release DVD drop from Wild Eye Releasing. Synopsis …

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Exploitation? Or Legitimate Social Commentary? ‘GOODBYE UNCLE TOM’ (1971) – 4K Ultra Review

Goodbye Uncle Tom

Those nutty Italians! Not content with spearheading the cannibal sub-genre, they, in their endless quest to “out shock” each other with the “Mondo” films of the 70’s and 80’s by making morally reprehensible films, often sourced from historical accounts and intercut with newsreel footage, and disguised them as documentaries. Perhaps …

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Creepy, But Somewhat Empty: ‘BAG OF LIES’ – Blu-ray Review

Horror/drama? Emotional horror?? Is there a sub-genre for films that attempt to be equal parts scary and heart wrenching? Bag Of Lies, a Dread Original release from first time director David James, explores the extreme measures a desperate man will go to, to save his loved one. Synopsis “Desperate to …

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Well, It Delivers What It Promises… ‘BAD CGI GATOR’ – Blu-ray Review

Bad CGI Gator

In an industry that has given us such intellectually challenging fare such as: Sharknado, Mega Piranha, and, of course, Velocipastor, is it any wonder that, sooner or later, someone would take the piss and release something like Bad CGI Gator? Fortunately, for fans of cheese, Charles Band’s Full Moon Features …

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Style For Miles: ‘THE ABANDONED’ (2006) – Blu-ray Review

The Afterdark Horrorfest: 8 Films To Die For –remember that? While the series was a great platform for new filmmakers to get noticed, and foreign filmmakers to get a foothold in the US, it was responsible for some turkeys too. And don’t get me started on the “Miss Horrorfest” crap. …

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“I Was A Filmmaker, Just That…” Remembering Roger Corman (April 5, 1926 – May 9, 2024)

Roger Corman

On Thursday, May 9th, 2024 the film world lost a legend. “One of the worst things you can do is have a limited budget and try to do some big looking film. That’s when you end up with very bad work.” I am speaking, of course, of Roger Corman, a …

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A Love/Hate Relationship: ‘STAR WARS EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE’ Turns 25

Who could forget the palpable excitement? George Fucking Lucas was returning to the director’s chair for his long rumored prequel films, to fill in the pre-Skywalker blanks in the Star Wars universe!! Fans were foaming at the mouth for something, anything, with the Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, and amazing special …

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