Review of ‘Amityville Vibrator’ (2020); Interview With King of Sleaze Nathan Rumler

I love sleaze. Gratuitous titties in your face. Sex for absolutely no reason. Masturbating nuns. Gritty and dirty enough to make you feel like you might need a shower after. Amityville Vibrator has all the sleaze. Everything I mentioned above and more. It’s the possessed vibrator movie that you didn’t know you needed. 

Written, directed and produced by Nathan Rumler (Fangboner 2015), Amityville Vibrator tells the cautionary tale of Cathy (Corella Waring: CarousHELL 2015), who purchases a vibrator from a yard sale, only to discover that it has ancient powers. While she and her friend, Roxi (Mallory Maneater: Cinched & Secured TV series), are in danger of becoming Satan’s sex slaves the more they use it, two easily distracted researchers are on the hunt for the demonic dildo with the hopes of saving their friends. They don’t know that Cathy already has the satanic sex toy in her possession, and they take some shrooms to help them figure out what to do next.

This film confirms what I have always thought: never buy a used fuck toy. One, you might get a nasty yeast infection. And two, you run the risk of becoming a slave to Satan. Amityville Vibrator is a fun and entertaining film from sNatanic Productions that lives up to the hype. The music choices fit just right and the practical effects prove that there is some unique and genuine horror coming out of Michigan. I recently asked Nathan Rumler, who also starred in the film, some questions about his inspirations, and why he became a filmmaker.


PopHorror: What inspired Amityville Vibrator?

Nathan Rumler: I’ve always been a fan of the original Amityville franchise. Sometime back in 2017, I decided to finally check out some of the direct-to-video Amityville sequels that had been flooding the market for a few years. As you probably know, most of them are fucking terrible. I laughed to myself and thought, “I should make Amityville Dildo just to make fun of these, but actually make an entertaining movie in the process.” It’s also sort of a joke about where I saw the franchise headed … porn parody territory. Though I don’t consider this movie pornography. It’s a parody of a porn parody.

PopHorror: When casting, how did you sell this movie to the actors?

Nathan Rumler: It took me a year to find the right cast for this movie. When you watch it, you’ll know why. I didn’t want to make any compromises in terms of content with this one like I’ve done with projects in the past. But I’m also not going to force someone to do anything they’re not comfortable doing. So, it was a very long process. I approached women who I knew were comfortable with nudity or have done/are involved with sex work. Even then, there were tons of ups and downs and recastings. I was pretty much straight up with everyone and told them I wanted to go all out and just have this punk rock kind of vibe where the people watching start thinking, “Wow, these people don’t give a fuck!” (laughs) The pieces fell into place eventually.

PopHorror: You wrote, directed and starred in Amityville Vibrator. What was your favorite part?

Nathan Rumler: My favorite part is definitely directing. I have a love/hate relationship with writing. I enjoy it, but it becomes too tedious for me sometimes. That’s why the script for Amityville was only 23 pages, and why my new short doesn’t even have a script.

The only reason I acted in this movie is because my lead actor dropped out. I really wanted to stay behind the camera and focus on getting good shots, but I was MORE just tired of not being able to assemble a cast so I said, “Fuck it,” and played the part. I at least knew I was crazy enough to do the things I wrote (laughs). I don’t plan on acting in many of my films in the future. I’m much more interested in being behind-the-scenes and pulling the strings.

PopHorror: What made you want to be a filmmaker?

Nathan Rumler: You know, I just kind of fell in love with movies and horror at an early age. I grew up with Goosebumps and Tales From the Crypt. That progressed into Ghoulies, Critters, Troll and slashers, then into more underground stuff once I hit middle school. I was already making gory short films with all my friends at that age, and I just decided to keep doing it and taking it more seriously as I went.

PopHorror: What’s your favorite scary movie?

Nathan Rumler: This is a tough question. I don’t really have an all time favorite horror movie. I usually tell people to break it down and ask me what my favorite movie is by subgenre or director. I have lots and lots of favorites, and it’s hard for me to narrow it down to just one or even a few.

Thank you so much to Nathan for taking the time to speak with me. Amityville Vibrator is available now HERE. But don’t delay! It keeps selling out, and with only 666 available, it will sell out for good.

About Tiffany Blem

Horror lover, dog mommy, book worm, EIC of PopHorror.

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