Production Has Begun on Andrew Holmes And Austin Andrews’ ‘The Island Between Tides’

Production has begun on the new mystery/drama film directed by Austin Andrews (Summer of ’84 our review) and Andrew Holmes (Lord Jones is Dead) called The Island Between Tides. The film is set to star Donal Logue (Blade), Camille Sullivan (Hunter, Hunter), David Mazouz (Gotham TV Series), and Adam Beach (Smoke Signals).


The Island Between Tides takes place in the coastal wilds on the Alaskan border and centers on a young woman who follows a mysterious melody onto a remote tidal island. When she crosses back over at the next low tide, she emerges into a world where decades have passed. She is unharmed but not unaltered.

“The Island Between Tides is the first feature adaptation of the forgotten ghost story Mary Rose, which The New York Times likened to a “more mature” reworking of Barrie’s more famous Peter Pan. Mary Rose has a rich Hollywood backstory: Alfred Hitchcock saw the play during its original run in the 1920s, and became obsessed with the property. He acquired the rights from Paramount in the early 1960s and attached Tippi Hedren to play Mary Rose, only to have Universal kibosh the production out of fears that a ghost story would be a box office failure. In his last years, Hitchcock told his biographer that his life’s greatest regret was not bringing Mary Rose to the big screen.”

Stay tuned to for more details as they are released.


About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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