PopHorror’s Q & A with Mathew Fisher, Director of the Upcoming Short ‘Insomniac’

As most of you already know, we love horror shorts over here at PopHorror. They are often the most brilliant horror stories yet told in a brief amount of time. That being said, we were happy to talk with Director Mathew Fisher about his upcoming short, Insomniac, and learn all the juicy details about it!

Mathew Fisher

PopHorror – What inspired you to get into filmmaking?

Mathew Fisher – I was always a big fan of movies and how, when done right, they can take you out of reality for a couple hours and get you engaged and emotionally invested in a story and group of characters.

PopHorror – How did you get involved with it?

Mathew Fisher – I got involved with filmmaking by gathering friends and family on the weekends and getting out there and shooting stuff. Trial and error, having fun and learning hands on what it takes to make a movie. Dealing with actors and giving direction. All the problems that can arise shooting a film, more so a no budget film. I’d suggest that route for anyone wanting to make a feature film.

PopHorror – What was the first film you did?

Mathew Fisher – The first film I did is an exploitation film called Stupa-Man that plays like the Toxic Avenger meets Taxi Driver. It features Lloyd Kaufman, Buddha from Blood for Blood, Sullee from VH1’s The White Rapper Show and Insane Shane McKane. It was my film school and I learned a lot from making it. It was a one man crew with a cast of mainly friends and family.

PopHorror – You have a new short coming out called Insomniac. Tell us about that.

Mathew Fisher – Insomniac stars Richard Chandler, Ray Boutin, Alexander Hauck and Sabrina Dennison of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Santa Sangre. It deals with a man who’s got a bad case of insomnia and goes to a doctor to help him out but gets more than he bargains for. It premieres June 22nd in Arlington, Massachusetts at the Capitol Theatre at 7:30 pm.

PopHorror – Where’d you get the idea for the script/film?

Mathew Fisher – I’ve had my nights of nsomnia and I’ve always found it a weird, almost dimensional, crossover when you’re awake, exhausted, and everyone around you is sleeping. It’s like a secret club… I thought, “What an interesting take that would be.” How, after being awake so long, the walls to surrounding dimensions are coming down and all the inhabitants can be seen and unfortunately they can see you now also. Now add in a wicked doctor with his own agenda and you got INSOMNIAC!

PopHorror – How do you go about the casting process?

Mathew Fisher – For this one, I pretty much cast from previous projects I’ve done. Ray was the only person I had never worked with previously and Sabrina I recently met on the set of House Across the Street. The script was laying around and, in a discussion with Rick, it was brought up, dug up, polished up and sent over and that was the beginning.

PopHorror – Where was it filmed?

Mathew Fisher – We shot the film on location in beautiful Massachusetts.

PopHorror – What do you want fans to take away from this short?

Mathew Fisher – A good experience…

PopHorror – When can we expect it to be released?

Mathew Fisher – It premieres June 22nd. I’m gonna be submitting to festivals soon and gonna do some conventions later in the year with some DVDs and other BoomBastic Merch.

PopHorror – Any other upcoming projects?

Mathew Fisher – I’m preparing another short for the winter and shooting my 3rd feature early/mid-2018. People can keep up with them at the BoomBastic Films Facebook Page!

— Thanks for talking with us, Mathew, and we look forward to reviewing this film! Everyone – check out the official trailer down below.

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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