
‘Pizza Guy 8’ – New Microbudget Horror Follows A Pizza Guy On A Surreal Rampage

Pizza Guy 8, the exciting new microbudget feature film from Troma alumnus Tate Hoffmaster and producer Dylan Mars Greenberg, is a wall breaking homage to SOV horror.

Director Hoffmaster says,

“It’s a movie about a nice pizza delivery guy who gets pushed around and starts going on a killing spree until he realizes he’s in a horror movie and tries to escape. My intent with the film is to comment on the monopolization of film and how indie films are the only front against that; also, how the commoditization of media is ruining film. On another level, it’s about how we must separate ourselves from art in order to truly enjoy it.”

Starring Mr. Lobo (Plan 9, Cinema Insomnia) as the film’s headless villain, Walter Quisby, as well as Amanda Flowers of Shakespeare’s Shitstorm fame as the character ‘Kitty,’ the filmmakers are currently running an Indigogo campaign to finish the film. You can check it out HERE for variety of exclusive perks.

“I loved the script, and recognized immediately this is not a run of the mill low budget film,” says producer Dylan Mars Greenberg, whose portfolio includes work for Adult Swim and Rolling Stone. “It’s a microbudget movie that knows it’s a microbudget movie and approaches that in a surrealist, clever way that blends highbrow with low brow. I knew we had to get this off the ground.”



Check out the trailer below!

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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