Search Results for: stranger things

Cinepocalypse 2019 Review: A Talented Cast Full Of ‘Villains’ (2019)

Ever since Burn Notice and the second season of Fargo, I’ve been waiting for Jeffrey Donovan to get weird. He handled the running/jumping/falling down duties of the show admirably, but the true joy was watching him play the Identity of the Week, which was always some kind of South Florida …

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‘Head Count’ (2019) Movie Review: Pure Nightmare Fuel

Head Count

As a kid, I was definitely more fearless. I would play “Bloody Mary” or even bravely say “Candyman” three times in a mirror, without hesitation. You won’t catch me doing things like that now. I guess I’m too superstitious and cautious of everything I do. In the new horror film …

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Miles Doleac’s ‘Hallowed Ground’ (2019) Movie Review

When it comes to horror films, we all have our subgenres and niche weaknesses. Anything that comes out that fits our little obsessions immediately becomes a must-watch, sight-unseen. My heart sings for two things: Deadly Games and Horror Westerns. Give me Saw (2004) or Union Furnace (2015 – read our review …

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Let’s Discuss Tyler Labine’s ‘Tucker and Dale VS Evil’ Sequel Interview

Tucker and Dale VS Evil is a backwoods horror comedy that became an instant classic that was released back in 2010. Since then, fans have been clamoring for a sequel, and we just heard that there’s finally an update. Recently, Tyler Labine, who played Dale in the film, commented in an interview …

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Mark Allen Gunnells’ ‘Book Haven and Other Curiosities’ – Book Review

Author of Flowers In A Dumpster, Mark Allen Gunnells released his third book with Crystal Lake Publishing this week. Book Haven and Other Curiosities is a collection of 21 short stories that are sure to provoke a variety of emotions. As an avid fan of horror, I’ve been on the …

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Interview with Berna Roberts: Artistic Expression Through Film

Driven by her passion for acting from a young age, Berna Roberts left her home in East Chicago to pursue a career in performance arts. Finding success with a small appearance in the 2004 hit comedy, Meet the Fockers, this talented actress went on to explore filmmaking on both sides …

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PopHorror Interviews ‘Headcheese’ Author Jess Hagemann

Recently, I had an opportunity to review Cinestate’s Headcheese by Jess Hagemann. You may read my review here. Jess Hagemann is no stranger to writing, and her short stories have won multiple awards. Her debut novel, Headcheese, was a semi-finalist in the Subito Press contest last year. She also owns Cider …

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‘American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore’ (2014) Movie Review

When I first unknowingly stumbled into the Unearthed Films’ American Guinea Pig series, it was with Stephen Biro’s possession feature, Song of Solomon (read our review here). The gruesome practical effects matching Jessica Cameron’s devilish performance along with that infamous vomit scene made this feature an instant indie hit. How much …

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