Meet Our Writers: Samantha McCabe

1. What is your favorite non-horror movie or show? I absolutely adore The Spiderwick Chronicles. When it comes to folklore and Celtic mythology, my heritage takes over and my child-like side is evoked. Hey, I love these kinds of things!

2. What is the limit you have when when it comes to horror? I love all horror but my limit is where there are scenes involving animal cruelty, such as those in Cannibal Holocaust (1980) with the turtle and poor monkey. I’m extremely sensitive when it comes to animals.

3. What is your favorite horror movie quote? “You’ve got red on you.” I absolutely love Shaun of the Dead (2004) and I have a dry, witty sense of humor.

4. What is your favorite horror TV series? Definitely Supernatural! I’ve never read the comics or watched the anime, but I fell in love with the characters and mythology from the moment I watched the TV series.

5. What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? When I was 7 years of age, I watched Jaws (1975). I was so scared to take a bath after that because I thought Jaws would be in my tub! I can be forgiven for that, I’m sure…

6. What is your favorite genre outside of horror? I love cyber-punk, such as the Japanese movies Tetsuo, the Iron Man (1989), Gantz (2010), Gantz: Perfect Answer (2011) and the anime Ghost in the Shell (1995). The majority of movies I watch are in the range of Japanese, French or Italian genres.

7. What horror movie have you seen the most? I’ve probably watched Near Dark and The Lost Boys the most, both being released in 1987. I love vampire movies and these are my two favorites. I never get bored re-watching them. I’m nerdy that way.

8. Who is your favorite horror author? If I have to pick one, i’d have to say Clive Barker. His use of imagination and visual description is so magical that I literally have the moving imagery in my mind’s eye while reading.

9. What is your favorite horror novel/short story? Cold Heart Canyon. I love the detail and description. The more detailed the story, the more life-like the story becomes. I have a visual mind, so I get more enjoyment out of the descriptive books.

10. What are your favorite horror movies from each decade starting with the ’70s? My favorites in decade order are as follows:

  • ’70s would be Susperia by Dario Argento in 1977, which is the year I was born. Absolutely love the use of color in this film and being an ex-ballerina, it’s perfectly suited to my taste. Dario is an amazing director and this is a masterpiece.
  • ’80s would be Near Dark, if I had to choose one only. It portrays vampires having a disease more than a hunger or thirst for blood. Feed the disease to survive or find a cure by replacing the old blood with untainted blood.
  • ’90s would be The Mouth of Madness. John Carpenter is just brilliant at directing and transports you to another world. I love Lovecraftian horrors. This story was written by Michael De Luca.
  • ’00s would be Battle Royale. The psychological aspect, along with gore, action and sci-fi, holds you from start to finish.
  • ’10s would be A Serbian Film. I’m a sucker for blood, guts and gore! Especially when there is a shocking metaphor behind it that makes you think.

That’s me in a nutshell!

About Samantha Françoise McCabe

Samantha Françoise McCabe is a Capetonian, South African born aspiring artist/photographer and editor who stems from a creative and artist background. She started as a Ballerina and dancer of other mediums, She worked in the film/media industry for a few years, starting as a movie extra and moving upward to producing an African Horror indie film with her husband, who is a British born director and author. She has a small art collection that is ever expanding and has a few years editing experience which involves conceptual art and conceptual writing for ongoing projects with her husband. Teamwork makes for an interesting concoction of creativity and the challenges are rewarding. Other than her art contribution to Brilliant Flash Fiction, she is a freelance literary editor and Intern at Dark Regions Press. Favourite books are written by Stephen King, Dean R. Koontz, Clive Barker and Steven Laws. The book that got her into the horror genre was The Devil’s End by D.A. Fowler. When it comes to cinema, Hammer Horror is on the top of the list.

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