What’s your favorite horror movie quote?
“We all go a little mad sometimes.” It’s always been my favorite quote. My brother even gave me a bag with the quote on it for Christmas!
Who’s your favorite slasher villain?
Jason Voorhees. His backstory is one of my favorite villain stories. Plus, he’s just one of the most brutal killers. He just does not give a fuck.
Who’s your favorite horror author?
The King of Horror himself, Mr. Stephen King! No, I’m not jumping on the bandwagon here, this man is an actual inspiration to me. I started reading his books when I was in middle school. After reading a few of his novels, not only did I fall in love with his stories, I decided that I wanted to be a writer.
Who’s your favorite movie directors?
Non-horror: Quentin Tarantino, without a doubt! He has his own unique style that shows in every single one of his films. I love the dialogue and I love the characters in his films. They can also be violent as hell! Inglourious Basterds is his most brilliant film, in my opinion.
Horror: Wes Craven! Since 1972, he’s created a lot of classics that horror fans still watch and love to this day. I love every film in the Scream franchise, and The Last House On The Left. He was fantastic at creating horrifying stories and memorable villains. I would’ve loved to have met him.
What horror movies should not have been remade?
I grew up watching remakes before originals because they were the first films I found, so there are quite a few remakes I actually love. Comparing the originals to remakes, I don’t believe Poltergeist, Black Christmas, or My Bloody Valentine should’ve been remade. They just weren’t done right. I would’ve loved to see modern sequels to these films instead. At least that’s what was intended for Black Christmas and My Bloody Valentine.
Favorite snack while watching a movie?
Nachos, but a different kind of nachos. Instead of regular tortilla Chips, I use shredded cheese and nacho cheese flavored Doritos. Far from the healthiest snack, but it’s so delicious!
Is there a remake you like more than the original?
Yes, I Spit On Your Grave, Evil Dead, Halloween (cue the angry mob), Ghostbusters (cue the bigger angry mob), The Last House On The Left, The Uninvited, The Grudge, The Ring, The Hills Have Eyes, The Amityville Horror, to name a few…
Horror movie crossovers you’d love to see?
I’ve been having dreams about a Friday The 13th/Hatchet crossover, and I think it should happen. A Jason vs. Victor showdown would be epic!

How long do you think you could survive in a horror film?
I’m not gonna flatter myself and say I’d outsmart the killer. I never run, so whatever is chasing me is definitely gonna catch me. I’d probably be the first to die.
What horror film would you like to see get a reboot/remake?
I really want an American remake of Dogtooth. I think it’s a very weird film, and I think it deserves a wider audience. A majority of people won’t watch foreign films because they have to read subtitles, so I think an American remake will help people watch and appreciate this film more. Plus, with the storyline, there’s so much that can be done with it, so it doesn’t even have to be a shot-for-shot remake, but I wouldn’t even be mad if it was.
What do you do when you’re not writing for PopHorror?
When I’m not writing or working or watching movies, what I love to do is blast music and just completely tune the world out and drown in my thoughts. It’s very peaceful. I also love getting lost in a good book. I also love playing games and hanging out with my family. Whenever I have my bad days, spending time with them definitely brings up my mood. When I don’t write about horror, I still love talking about it. I’m actually going to be starting my own horror podcast just so I can talk about it more.
What is your limit when it comes to horror films?
I don’t think I’ve reached a limit yet. I’ve crossed over into the extreme horror genre because I’m very curious about how far filmmakers have gone to shock the audience. I think the only limit I have is when an injury or death is real. For instance, I’ve seen quite a few horror films where an animal is really injured or killed, and that’s really hard to watch. I refuse to watch the news, or anything that shows a person getting killed. As long as its fake, a horror film can be bloody, gory, or as violent as it wants to be. I love the violence in horror films because special effects show artistic creativity and doesn’t have to resort to actually hurting someone.
Other than horror, what is your favorite genre?
I love Tarantino flicks. That guy pretty much has a genre that’s all his own. I also love a good comedy every once in a while. I grew up watching Tommy Boy and Dumb And Dumber, those two are my absolute favorite comedies! I know them both by heart, and my dad, my brother, and I will randomly quote the films whenever we’re in the same room together.