
Larry Fessenden’s ‘BLACKOUT’ (2024) Blu-ray Coming From Dark Sky Selects

We are big fans of Blackout (our review) and all things Larry Fessenden (our interview), so you can imagine how excited we are to hear that Fessenden’s werewolf film is getting a top notch Blu-ray treatment from the fine folks at Dark Sky Selects!

Read on for the details!

From The Press Release

Dark Sky Selects is proud to announce the Blu-ray Disc release of BLACKOUT, the Rotten Tomatoes Certified Fresh film from independent horror master Larry Fessenden. With only 1,000 available as a site exclusive on, the Blu-ray Disc features commentary with Larry, a 76-minute behind-the-scenes featurette and more. The thriller centers around a fine arts painter convinced that he is a werewolf wreaking havoc on a small American town. BLACKOUT marks the reunion of Dark Sky Films and Glass Eye Pix, two iconic companies that have brought fans some of the greatest genre films of our time.

The release features a Limited Edition O-Card with exclusive artwork and 12-page booklet with introduction by Fangoria’s Phil Nobile Jr.


Special Features Include

  • Commentary with Writer/Director/Editor/Producer Larry Fessenden
  • BLACKOUT Behind the Scenes (76 minutes)
  • Larry Fessenden’s Monsterverse
  • Monster Mash Photoshoot Timelapse by Beck Underwood
  • BLACKOUT Audio Drama
  • Teaser
  • Trailer

Pre-Order your copy today at The Blu-ray releases on September 24th, 2024!

About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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