Back in 1987, stunning Spanish actress Christina Marsillach made an impression upon horror fans within Dario Argento’s giallo, Opera. Despite coming from an acting pedigree and establishing her own career with other notable performances such as Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986) co-starring Tom Hanks, and Marrakesh Express (1989), Christina chose to step away from the limelight.
Over three decades later, Marsillach has returned in rare form with a starring role in Simple Like Silver, the quietly engaging, American arthouse feature via filmmaker Damian K. Lahey. She briefly discusses her actor parents, why she chose to return to acting, and what’s next.
PopHorror: First of all, thank you very much for your time, Christina. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to chat with you.
Christina Marsillach: No problem. I am honored to answer these questions.
PopHorror: Your father, Adolfo Marsillach, was a true thespian. What was it like growing up in a household where the performing arts were so profoundly embraced?
Christina Marsillach: When I got out of school, I would sometimes go to the theater to do my homework. There in the dressing room, I would see my father putting on his make-up before going on stage. I would watch while trying to concentrate on my lessons. Also, my friends looked at me and my family with curiosity mixed with incomprehension. I was marked without being conscious of it, by the profession of my father and mother [actress Teresa Del Rio].
PopHorror: Before Damian contacted you for Simple Like Silver, you had been in self-imposed screen actress exile for decades. Why?
Christina Marsillach: I wanted to get out of some difficult circumstances and rebuild my life by focusing on other arts and businesses, such as buying and selling antiques, which I did in Spain, France, and England.

PopHorror: What was it that encouraged you to return to acting when you were approached to do Simple Like Silver?
Christina Marsillach: What made me decide was Damian’s splendid script and his unique personality!
PopHorror: Damian wrote the role with you in mind. Was it the first time a role was written specifically for you?
Christina Marsillach: Yes, it was!
PopHorror: You shine in Simple Like Silver, giving a quiet, radiant performance. How did you prepare for your role?
Christina Marsillach: My character, Lucia, and I had something in common with having gone through or going through a complicated illness and the existential questions you ask yourself about life.
PopHorror: What are your best memories of the shoot?
Christina Marsillach: When Damian would pick me and [co-producer] Carmen Olmo up from the house that Damian had arranged for us to stay in. It was an hour from where we were shooting in St. Augustine, Florida. In the car, we would listen to rock and roll and talk and laugh!
PopHorror: You had been an acting teacher for several years at the Marsillach Acting Studio.
Christina Marsillach: Yes, I was a teacher and founder of the school, but now I am focused on other areas of the creative arts.
PopHorror: You also do theater. Out of curiosity, who are some of your favorite playwrights?
Christina Marsillach: Let me see. That would be Federico García Lorca, Tennesse Williams, and Luigi Pirandello.
PopHorror: Obviously, many of our readers are fans of Dario Argento’s Opera. Is it true you are currently participating in a documentary about the film?
Christina Marsillach: Yes! It’s still going on, actually. I am not sure when it will be released. I am working with some people in Italy on this.
PopHorror: What else do you have in the works?
Christina Marsillach: I am developing another project with Lahey and also acting in a play. I recently finished a short film as well that I wrote and directed.
We would like to thank Christina for her time and hope you seek out her return to the screen in Simple Like Silver, available to stream on Amazon.
Check out the trailer below.