Interview With ‘So Vam’ Filmmaker Alice Maio Mackay

If you’ve been following PopHorror for awhile, you may have noticed reviews we’ve done from a young Australian trans filmmaker named Alice Maio Mackay—Serpent’s Nest (2021 – read our review here) and Tooth 4 Tooth (2020 – read our review here)—both of which earned excellent marks from our reviewers. Despite still being in high school, Mackay has made huge headway in the filmmaking industry, even taking on one of Stephen King’s Dollar Babies. I was thrilled with the chance to speak with her about her upcoming film, So Vam, her start in filmmaking and what she has coming up next.

PopHorror: How is 2021 treating you so far?

Alice Maio Mackay: So far, it’s been not the worst, and I’m certainly grateful for the amazing opportunities I’ve had. It was particularly great to have been able to start the year filming my first feature, So Vam, with a wonderful cast and crew.

PopHorror: That’s fantastic! So many projects have been put on hold, so it’s great that you’re able to actively film. How did you get into filmmaking?

Alice Maio Mackay: When I was younger, I loved writing short stories, and when I was around eleven or twelve, I started seeing my ideas as films and developed a passion for filmmaking. I made a few animations solely by myself, then some super small projects where I wrote, shot, produced, directed and kind of did everything (laughs). Then when I was around 13 or 14, I acquired the rights for Stephen King’s Dollar Baby, A Tale of the Laundry Game. That was my first proper film where I had a small crew, then everything kind of progressed from there.

Alice Maio Mackey, 'So Vam'
Still from Alice Maio Mackay’s ‘So Vam’

PopHorror: I’m still so amazed at how young you started creating. That’s an unbelievable passion, and I’m thrilled that you found your drive so young. You seem to gravitate towards horror in your projects. Are you a big horror fan? What’s the first horror movie you can remember watching?

Alice Maio Mackay: I would definitely say that I’m a big horror fan. The first horror films I remember watching would be R.L Stine’s The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It and the 2004 film, Phantom of the Opera. Then around when I was 10 or 11, I really got into the Scream franchise and the other iconic genre films.

PopHorror: What would you say is your favorite subgenre of horror?

Alice Maio Mackay: My favorite subgenres of horror are slashers and vampires… it’s a tie.

So Vam, Alice Maio Mackey
Still from Alice Maio Mackay’s ‘So Vam’

PopHorror: What is it that draws you to horror?

Alice Maio Mackay: I think what draws me to horror is that I’m able to communicate important messages, sometimes political and ideas/themes through metaphors and the lens of a genre film, that are able to reach larger audiences that may not be as open to the idea of just watching a drama. The horror community is also really amazing, and they are super fun films to make and watch.

PopHorror: We’ve reviewed two of your past shorts—Tooth 4 Tooth and The Serpent’s Nest—but now we’ve heard you have something new on the horizon. Can you tell us about it?

Alice Maio Mackey, 'So Vam'
Still from Alice Maio Mackay’s ‘So Vam’

Alice Maio Mackay: Definitely! I’m currently finishing my first feature, So Vam. It’s this queer/horror coming-of-age vampire film that I directed, produced and co-wrote with Ben Pahl Robinson. The film combines my love of drag queens and telling underrepresented stories, with one of my favorite sub genres of horror, vampires. The film stars Xai, a local drag artist, Grace Hyland, a trans activist and Chris Asimos from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and F@gs in the Fast Lane. It also features a cameo from Rupaul’s Drag Race’s BenDeLaCreme. Alexander Taylor, known for his work on Scream, Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street and Dreamcatcher, is composing the score.

PopHorror: How far into production are you?

Alice Maio Mackay: So, we wrapped in mid-January and are currently in post-production at the moment. We’re hoping to premiere at some festivals in the second half of this year, as well as early next year before a public release. Before I forget, I want to say thanks again to the cast and crew for all their work.

PopHorror: Do you have any fun behind the scenes stories for us?

Alice Maio Mackay: Many of the scenes required fake blood spurts or that the characters be covered head to toe in blood. So one of our makeup artists used a high pressure motorized type of hose to achieve the required effects. I was the first test subject, and I can say it was certainly a memorable experience (laughs).

Alice Maio Mackey, 'So Vam'
Still from Alice Maio Mackay’s ‘So Vam’

PopHorror: I can’t even imagine (laughs). Are there any filmmaking subjects that you want to touch on that you haven’t had a chance to yet?

Alice Maio Mackay: There’s many different subjects that I would like to explore in my future films. However, in my next few projects, I want to delve deeper into the issues that I have already touched on in my films to date, like social inequities and discrimination.

PopHorror: If you could have lunch within the industry—alive or dead—who would it be and why?

Alice Maio Mackay: John Waters or Gregg Araki. They are both my largest filmmaking inspirations and have really paved the wave for independent filmmaking, as well as introducing films with queer characters/themes to mainstream and cult audiences.

Alice Maio Mackey, 'So Vam'
Still from Alice Maio Mackay’s ‘So Vam’

PopHorror: What’s your favorite scary movie?

Alice Maio Mackay: I have a few (laughs). I really love Boogeyman Pop by Brad Michael Elmore, which hasn’t been released publicly yet, as well as his vampire film, Bit. But I’d have to say my all time favorite scary movies are Jennifer’s Body, Assassination Nation, and The Craft Legacy.

PopHorror: How can people keep up with you and your projects?

Stay up to date on the project via my social media: Instagram: and

We want to send a huge THANK YOU to Alice Maio Mackay for taking the time to talk with us. Keep it tuned to PopHorror for all of your horror news, reviews, and interviews!

About Tracy Allen

As the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of, Tracy has learned a lot about independent horror films and the people who love them. Now an approved critic for Rotten Tomatoes, she hopes the masses will follow her reviews back to PopHorror and learn more about the creativity and uniqueness of indie horror movies.

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