catch up with Tyler Cotton
Photo credit: The Portrait Sessions.

Interview: Catch Up With Tyler Cotton Who Plays Melvin In Netflix’s ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’

One of my favorite series is Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I have not watched part 4 yet as I’m not ready for it to be over even though it’s quite tempting and I’ll probably do it soon. That being said, I was lucky enough to catch up with Tyler Cotton who plays Melvin in the series. We talked about the new season, details about his character, how he feels about the show ending, and more!

catch up with Tyler Cotton
Photo credit: The Portrait Sessions.

PopHorror – Hi Tyler. It’s great to talk with you again. I hope you had a great Christmas. 2020 has been crazy for everyone, what have you been up to this year?

Tyler Cotton – Hi thanks for having me back again! I did have a good Christmas! Hope you had a great holiday too! 2020’s been a weird one, once the world went into lockdown I actually drove back home to Calgary and spent a lot of the year with my family.

PopHorror – I’m glad you got to spend time with your family! Part 3 of Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was a blast. We got to see quite more of your character and different sides to him. What was your favorite episode?

Tyler Cotton – I loved part 3! I’d say my favourite episode would have been the hare moon episode! I just remember having so much fun with everyone on set while filming that episode.

PopHorror – Honestly that is one of my favorite episodes as well! What did you think of the twist ending with the two different Sabrinas, one ruling hell and the other living her normal life?

Tyler Cotton – Honestly, I didn’t see it coming, I remember reading the script and my mind was blown, I was already wanting to read the script for the next episode!

PopHorror – Same here! There were some new characters in part 3. Did you have any favorites?

Tyler Cotton – Robin! I absolutely love Jon and Robin is such a fun character!

PopHorror – Very much so! I’m excited that you’re coming back for part 4 as Melvin is one of my favorite characters. What can we expect from him without giving any spoilers away?

Tyler Cotton – We’ll see Melvin coming out of his shell more and we may be seeing a new love interest perhaps.

PopHorror – Ooohh, that makes me want to even watch it more! I know I’m super bummed that this is the last season as I’ve fallen in love with the story and characters. What are your thoughts on it?

Tyler Cotton – I’m pretty bummed about it but also Melvin was only meant to be in one episode and I ended up doing 3 seasons so I’m also incredibly grateful for every moment!

PopHorror – That’s so awesome! Any other projects going on?

Tyler Cotton – Few scripts I’m writing, but because of the pandemic I’ve really been focusing on myself and on my family!

PopHorror – That makes sense! Well, whatever you do in the future, PopHorror will be here to support you. Thank you for chatting with us and thanks for playing a memorable character on a wonderful show! 

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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