Stay In

The Best Horror-Themed COVID-19 Memes… So Far

Times are tough. We’re all stressed out. People are out of work. The stock market is tanking. Let’s face it: it’s a shit show out there! So, how is everyone coping? Why, the best they can, of course! Just as we all must do. One thing I’ve found that helps during trying times is keeping my sense of humor about me. Don’t get me wrong: COVID-19 is nothing to joke about. It’s a deadly serious virus that’s going to keep us isolated and outside our comfort zones for months as we all do our part to flatten the curve. But, life isn’t worth living if we can’t have fun with even the darkest subject matter. So let’s have a little fun. Do you like gallows humor? I know I do!

So sit back, grab a mask and some hand sanitizer, and enjoy this awesome collection of horror themed COVID-19 memes! Let’s kick it off with a tune, then off we go!


Here we go!

So… you thought 2020 was going to be your year, eh? Well…

We all had such wonderful things planned!

Like… seriously. Who saw this shit coming?


Things sure went south in a hurry! Yes, I know this isn’t horror. Sue me.

So what can we do about all this? Well…

Let’s start with Rule #1 – Wash Your Hands!

Rule #2 – Don’t touch your face!

Don’t forget Rule #3 – Make sure your home is well stocked!

Did you remember toilet paper?

Rule #4 – Social distancing! Stay away from people!

Seriously… you don’t know who’s sick and who isn’t!

It’s best to keep people at least 6 feet away…


You don’t need their germs! This includes your friends and family, not just your co-workers.

Honestly, the best thing you can probably do is stay inside.

Seriously, stay home. Like the Lutzes!

And our good friends, the Freelings!

Yes, we’re all going a little stir crazy. But it could be worse!

You’re going to be tempted to go out. Don’t. Resist the urge.

So, what do you get when you cross a condom shortage with a quarantine and too much free time?

Well, in about 9 months…

Final Thoughts

We love our horror fam. We want you all to be safe. Take care of yourselves and each other… from a distance, of course. We’ll get through this, and we’ll be stronger than ever! Keep your sense of humor about you at all times. Don’t forget to wash your hands, stay hydrated, and stay home!

Love to you all! We don’t wish this COVID-19 themed Oregon Trail ending for anyone…

COVID-19 - You Have Died

About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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